A girl punched me...

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"Take a right,then a left!" I said to her.

At the speed she was riding my baby,I'm sure we'd be home anytime.

"Whoa,you live in these leafy suburbs,no wonder ..... "

We were practically shouting, the speed at which we were going,only blurred images of trees and buildings could be seen.

" No wonder what?!"I asked,sure i was rich but I never had the pompous rich kid attitude.


Despite the humiliation I went through,she dropped me off and went home,still on my bike which she promised to return the next day.

But I wouldn't let her,first thing in the morning,I'd go for it, before anyone knew what went on.....


"Ouch...that hurts,mum" Kate was actually applying some antiseptic on my swollen eye.

" Sometimes,I don't get you.You said you'd stop getting into fights,now look at you.Liam,I thought you loved me...."

Of course I loved her but how was I supposed to tell her that some weird girl had punched me,she'd laugh at me.

"Of course I do mum,but you don't understand....."

"Try me?!"

" Um,..I didn't get into a fight,mum.A girl punched me,but don't tell Abby she'll tell everyone,you know her"

" Hahahaha.....You mean to tell me a girl punched you,I need to meet her, we'll get along well."

" I thought you were on my side,mum..."

" Yes,but someone needed to teach you a lesson...yeah don't think I don't know,young man,Mrs Reeves called,you broke Jake's ribs, thank goodness your dad didn't find out."

" Thanks mum"
This is why I loved her,she always looked out for me despite my actions.

To the matter at hand,I had to hide the truth from the rest of the family, especially Abby!

That's why I sneaked in through my balcony,so that dad wouldn't find out but unfortunately mum was already seated at the corner of my room waiting for me to get home.

Hailey's POV
Mum better have a good explanation for not picking me up.
After dropping Liam home,I went straight home and parked the bike in the garage so that mum wouldn't see it.

She was still not home,I went up to my room changed into something comfy that is my pink sweat pants and my red mickey mouse hoodie.

And with that,I prepared some guacamole and some tacos,ready to watch some cheezy Netflix movies especially one that involved Noah Centineo.

Today didn't go as planned, especially when mum didn't show up.Thoughts racing in my mind while I was standing at the parking lot.Where was mom?
Why is she late?

That was until,Liam came to torment me.I still couldn't believe he had injured Jake like that!

And here he was offering me a ride,so I decided to ignore him.
He kept on blubbering about how he'd won and the more he talked the more I got pissed off.

I didn't know what to do,so I punched him to shut him up and also as payback for everything.Man! I was so exhilarated,though my knuckles hurt real bad.

Doing that actually made me feel good so much that I wanted to punch him again but once I saw his swollen  black eye,I couldn't help but feel pity so I offered to take him home.

After all,dad had taught me a few things about bikes,so I actually knew how to ride them but mum forbade me since she thought they were too dangerous.

When I saw the lights coming from the windows I knew mum had come home and she was currently parking her car in the driveway.Then she opened door carrying some files and two shopping bags which i was curious to see but I was mad where was she?why didn't she pick me up?

"Hey, sweetie look I'm sorry.I was occupied with work,we had a board meeting which lasted for hours,then I had to approve the fabrics to be used for our next clothing line."
She was an aspiring designer, currently managing Lòrell clothing line,and I always understood her but lately we've been drifting apart since she divorced dad.

"It's okay mum,I get it"

"Okaaay....so shall we talk about the elephant in the room?"

Oh no!She had seen the bike but why the heck did she go to the garage anyway.

"What elephant?"

"Hailey,don't act dumb.I can swear I saw a bike in my garage.Don't tell me you rode that thing home"

" Yes I rode it home,mom.What was I supposed to do,you were so occupied with work,you didn't remember me.Lately mum we've been drifting apart,we don't talk like we used to,you even don't know how I'm doing.Work! Work!is all you talk about!"

Tears were practically cascading my cheeks,I missed my old mum,the fun one,not the uptight one I have right now.

"Hailey,I didn't know.."

"That's  the point mum you even don't bother to know how I'm doing!"

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