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James' POV...

"Are you alright, James? Why does it seems like you've seen a ghost?"

I felt numb after what I have just heard from Elizabeth. I couldn't make any proper reaction. She walked away before me with nothing but disgust in her eyes... and how she uttered that word I have longed to hear.


Did she remember me? It was only her who used to call me that name. When she said my name, it felt like the time wrapped us both... only me and her, and it brought us back to our lost memory.


"Oh! Sorry... I was distracted by something."

"Yeah, that's obvious. Did you happen to encounter Mr. Parker?"

"No... I saw Ryan, instead."


Amanda and Ryan had an affair before I bumped into her life. They were very intimate but it was short lived. For what reason they parted, I didn't care to know. I believed that was one of the reasons why my parents didn't like her from the start. She is a woman tainted with rumours. But how could she not be? She used to get linked with famous people. She's more than a celebrity. In fact, she came to prominence as a couture after she left me. What I heard from the office, she left me because at that time she was already having an affair with an old Russian philanthropist. She was engaged into different charity works with the old man and her career as a couture designer came into view when they sponsored a Haute Couture Professional Course of the IGA in Rome.

But going back to Elizabeth, I really couldn't manage to look fine as if nothing went wrong tonight.

I guess, I needed to see the old man....


Elizabeth's POV...

"My darling little princess, are you not feeling well?"

I and my grandfather were having breakfast. The weather outside was getting colder each day indicating how fast we're getting near to winter season.

An exaggeratedly audible cough came into my ears. I looked to my grandpa's direction who was giving me a face.

"What is it, grandpa?"

"I was asking if you're alright... if you're not feeling well."

"Ah, that one. Yeah... I am fine, grandpa."

I gave him back a smile which I couldn't even tell if that was really a smile I could say. Because honestly, I can't seem to give a happy mood today.

"Do you still remember what happens to Pinocchio everytime he tells a lie?"

Why, out of the blue, is he asking me about that fairytale? I'm old enough to listen and relay the story.

"Grandpa, I'm big enough for those tales you told me once when I was a little--"

"But do you still recall that story?"

"Of course I do... who wouldn't?"

"So you remember that his nose grows whenever he tells a lie to someone--"

"Of course, grandpa."

"Okay... so in that case, you know to yourself that you're not telling the truth."

"About what?"

"About you not being honestly fine... because your whole body is giving it all."

"Grandpa, I just feel exhausted about last night. You know how I hate attending such gathering. It consumes me especially my heels, argh!"

YOU'LL ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME... Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu