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James' POV...

What the hell is going on with me? Yesterday, I almost made a mistake. I heard her utter words when she was making coffee. I believe, I wouldn't get attracted from the phrase if I happened to hear it from somebody else. But it was her and it felt like she said it sorrowfully. Why? Is she regretting over something? Is she suffering from the same case I had? Honestly, it is an old issue I still have until now. The battle that I was struggling over the years and no matter how many times I convince myself to give up, I just can't. It was like, I left my heart in the past.

But ironically, seeing my PA everyday gives me the feeling that my past is here with me and so my heart is. And the funny thing is, I have fooled around with different women but never I have felt the same way I am feeling right now towards her. Is this a sign that I already need to unchain myself from the memory of her? No... I am not ready, yet.

But something is eating me up. I can't help myself from tapping my fingers on my table. I am thinking of a better plan to stop my PA from dating that Chink. Sorry for using that ethnic slur. I don't have anything against Chinese people. I just hate the fact that the Jerry guy will take my PA out for lunch.

Yesterday, before she left my building she walked in here to inform me that today she will be out for lunch with Mr. Cheng's son. She said that she accepted his invitation since we don't have any important luncheon meeting to attend for. I was taken aback by what she said and it is only now that I realized that I only gave her a nod yesterday as my reply.

I looked at the clock. I still have three hours to think of an excuse not to let her leave this building. Then suddenly, I've got an idea.

"Hi mom! Yeah... do you have anything to do today for lunch? Can we invite you out? That's a top secret... name the place and we'll fetch you up! Okay, great! Bye, mom!"

I called my mother. I invited her out for a lunch. I can't remember when was the last time I treated her out. Since the time I got my father's position, I became so busy so I guess this is the exact moment. I'll gonna bring Miss Hemmington. My mom will surely be delighted.

I pressed the intercom and spoke...

"Miss Hemmington, my mother called. She wanted to dine with us for lunch outside. It was a request, actually and I couldn't say no. Can you cancel your date?"

I waited for her answer. Three minutes have passed and she didn't say a word. Then I heard a knock. It was her. I let her in.

"Mr. Anderson, I already agreed about this lunch with Mr. Jerry Cheng. Can we postpone it?"

"I'm afraid I can't. She requested it. Maybe she has an important thing to tell us, I don't know."

I saw her stopped for a moment. Is she weighing things?

"Okay... I guess, I should cancel my meeting with Mr. Jerry. I can't say no to my once lady Boss. I know a thing like this would happen so he will understand. I told him I'm not sure if it is okay to dine out during lunchtime since it's still inside the work time frame. But if he will invite me for dinner, it would be better."

And then she left to make a call for the cancellation of her lunch date. But she left me with my mouth open. A dinner date? NO! She'll never have any date with that guy! Neither a date at dawn I will not permit her.


We entered a fine Italian restaurant. I've been here once with a college friend. It's located in the city outskirts. I know how my mom love Italian cuisine but cooking is never her forte. Writing is her passion, instead. That is why she decided to have a publishing company.

YOU'LL ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME... Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt