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"Why... why do you have to leave me? What have I done to suffer this way? Am I bad enough for you to leave me behind and forget me? Am I too weak? Do I cause a burden? I am trying to become strong, you know..."

"I am sorry, my lily... I am really sorry... I should have done something to see you again."

Did I speak? I instantly opened my eyes and sat up. I was a little disoriented... Damn!!! I'm dreaming... but it sounded so real... she's crying... it hurts to hear her cry... Elizabeth!

I looked around my bed and found her a bit distant from me. She's almost on the edge of the bed in a fetal position and weeping... weeping? Then suddenly she spoke.

"Why? You want me to hate you? You want me to forget you? You promised... you will always be the prince who will protect me... I am waiting for you... you will come back... I know..."

What could she be dreaming about? My chest began to feel an odd sensation. There was something in the way she spoke like she's really talking to me... would it be rude if I eavesdrop in her sleep talking? I just wanted to confirm something.

I was having these weird sensations. I was dreaming of my little lily... I heard her crying or maybe it is Elizabeth that I was hearing?? I didn't think it was a coincidence. It was odd but it felt like our dreams were being wired together as if we were in each other's head.

"You promise that we will be together until the end... but where are you? The locket you gave me.... it is still empty..."

A realization hit me. It was her! I can't be wronged. I stepped out of my side and went to her on the other end. From the dim light coming from the sky outside, I can see tears from her eyes. She inhaled but without changing her position. She's restless. Heaven! I slowly began caressing her face. It is her...

"Help! Somebody help me... please... ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

"Elizabeth! Hey, wake up!"

I decided to shrug her. I didn't know what happened but it seemed like she's going to collapse. It was painful to see her that way. It felt like a curse and this scene before me would be the last thing I would wish to be imprinted in my head.

She suddenly opened her eyes and her breathing became harsh as if she was suffocated. In her eyes I saw the shadow of deep fear. She started shivering. I hugged her to soothe her from whatever she saw at the end of her dream before I woke her up.

"James... d-did I scream?"

Her hands gripped my arm and I felt them trembling and so cold. Her eyes are a bit lost as if whatever that dream was, it caused a huge impact on her.

"Hushh... are you okay... can I get you water?"

"Y-yes, please..."

I immediately rose from the bed and made my way off the room. After few seconds, I returned and I saw her weeping silently while lying on one side, curled up like a ball.

"Here... take it."

She stood and sat straightly and then took the glass from my hand. She drank the whole glass of water as if she hadn't drank for years. I sat beside her and started patting her back gently. I wanted to relieve her from whatever nightmare she had. Honestly, I had the urge to ask her something but I think this was not the right time... maybe later, when she's fine.

"James... I do always have the same dreams... they were like flashes of some events in my past, I guess."

"Why aren't you sure? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I already told this to Abigail and she said I could seek help from a doctor. The dreams don't come in a regular frequency. They come at any night. But what bothers me was how they appear to me like highlights of events. I always see myself as a little girl... and... and I can feel somehow the heavy pain inside..."

"Why do you think you're crying... what happened?"

"I don't know, James. I feel like I am being left behind by someone. I have no idea who..."

"Is it a boy, Elizabeth?"

"I guess so but I have no idea who could that possibly be. All I could remember is that I was waiting for him because he promised to protect me.. he used to call me her princess... I don't know how he looks. Every dream is giving me the same sensation... and then I always end up like I lose from holding onto something. Like I was falling from a high place."

I then realized that I was looking so intently to her eyes. As if I wanted her to recall who the boy was. Because if there was someone who left her, it could only possibly be me. She is my Lily! I can't get wrong. This could be the revelation I have been waiting for so long.

Without hesitation, I hugged her tightly... I don't know if she was startled but I can't afford to lose the chance. I encircled my arms around her and simultaneously all of my plans to keep her safe and unharmed and not be far away from her anymore lay down to my head, to my heart and soul, to my whole being. I will recuperate the years I have lost with her... from the very beginning that I promised to protect her.

Heaven!! This is a miracle... I thought. My feelings for her have not change over the years. I am glad that she's still unmarried. I could have died if she was for she'll never be mine anymore. But here she is... in my arms... breathing. She is all mine!

"James... I... I am fine now. Sorry for waking you up."

"Hussshh!! It's okay, baby... it's okay..."

I just continued patting her back and lulled her in my arms. I can't afford to lose this moment. Believe me, if I could only turn back the time, I will never leave her and break her heart again. But the past will always remain in the past and the only thing I can do in this present time is to retrieve what I hadn't done for her over the years.

"J-James... you're exaggerating things... I- I can't breath from your embrace... I told you I'm okay now."

Her hoarse voice made me come back to my senses. I lose my grip on her a little because I didn't want to let her go away from my arms.

"S-sorry... I was just worried and it has carried me away for a second... back to sleep my love, we'll talk about this in the morning."

"I am worried James... worried that the dream will come again. The sadness in my dream is real heavy and I think... I think it is starting to bother me now."

"Okay... we'll talk about it later. I think you need to be checked. I know a specialist who could help you get through with those dreams. Rest for now Elizabeth. Here... stay here in my arms. You'll be safe here."

She looked at me. I held her eyes and she's still beautiful in the dim light. Then I saw a naughty smile rose from the corner of her lips. I think she's trying to lighten her mood.

"You're sure that I'll be safe here in your arms, huh?"

My brow crunched inquisitively. I didn't get what she said. Didn't she believe me?

"Yeah, of course... you don't believe me, are you?"

"I believe in what you said... but I'm not sure if your body can cooperate."

Then it hit me.

"Hey! You naughty rascal! Of course... I'll try my very best to tame my body, you know!"

I smiled and pinched her nose. Yeah, I admit. The situation we were in was really a bothersome moment. Her effects on me were way too much and I needed to keep myself at bay so heaven and all the saints up there.. please help me to resist some more.

I think inviting her to sleep here wasn't really a good idea. But I have good plans later. So better try to sleep and let the time passes by. It is still dark outside but I am already anticipating a good day tomorrow.

YOU'LL ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME... Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu