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Elizabeth's POV...

Thank god I came early. I thought that the untimely building of the heavy traffic will reprimand me from coming ahead of time on my first day. I still have half an hour prior to the official working time. I encountered employees who were more early comer than me, a wordless indication how the new environment works differently from the previous one I had. Here is a gush of a more strict atmosphere and a place where the staff were rendered apparently snobbish which I cannot actually question. If you are working under the most important building of one's enterprises, you are undoubtedly constricted to act according to their most superior work ethics. But Mrs. Anderson has subordinates with the same genuine quality and yet they were sealed in a friendly and ethereal ambience. Here, everyone wore a stone cold serious face like none amongst them has ever spent a single penny for a momentary practical joke and laughing was like a capital punishment. I wonder how long can I hold out against the heavy-weight of the air around. It was utter unbreathable. Whichever direction my feet lead me inside this immeasurable dimension, all I could feel was my new boss' reflection of his unyielding character.

I headed directly to my new post which I knew sooner or later will be my favourite spot, if no one dare to step out of seriousness and befriend me. Oh my god, that was a dreadful anticipation!

It was my first day and still I was hostile to my new superior. I took my seat and started managing in front of the computer. No emails, no notification. I hoped that the day won't just be spent into loafing around inside this boring room.

For my taste, he seemed like an out of reach kind of entity. Like if I would study analogically the dorsum of my hands, I was the pinky and he was... well, the other pinky on the other end. And perhaps with no improvements in the future, if not scarce, our distance will outstretch like my hands moving away from each other and remain pinkies forever. The only difference, I was built on the left and he was on the right since the clatterfarts said he's too righteous. A paradigm of a perfectionist tyrant.

Is he really that perfect? Is he a God? Oh, well yeah I forgot... he's the undisputable Greek god. I was wondering if his beautiful man-ness justifies enough his character but I doubt it hardly fits in. I couldn't help laying bare my thought about how our perfect collaboration would fell... into places or into pieces?

Is he really that good-looking just how most of the female members were gossiping about? I couldn't even believe how men were following his profile as if he was the ultimate matinee idol. But if so, then he was something! But the big question that was bugging me last night: will I pass his standards? I mean as a worker. Will I ever meet the height of his excellency? He was not the person who appointed me in my position right now... So, how would I know if I got the luck to exceed above his scrutiny?

I recalled how Mrs. Anderson put it into words. She mentioned that his son possesses an attitude that only rare people can handle to strife. I believe he has a problem; a kind that, I may say, is too detrimental to his equilibrium and he has no outlet for it. How I wish that during my working time with him, he won't make any issue because I cannot guarantee myself that I'll never respond to his behavioural turmoil. I can't let myself be intimidated by his rudeness.

I heard the intercom ring. My heart suddenly sprang boundlessly. It must be him...

"Hello sir, good morning... what can I do for yo-.. Ah.. Well... okay! Right away Mr. Anderson."

......................Now I understand.


James' POV...

I heard the door annexed to my office close... so she has arrived. Hmm... punctual!

I saw the report she left in my office yesterday and I must admit that she is exemplary efficient. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten the incident that happened days ago. She's not saved yet. And I guess, I wont let her this early. The fun will die too short. I wanted to get the best taste of entertainment before I could ever let my prey run fast away from me. That is if she'll be able to resist me.

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