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Elizabeth's POV...

I wonder what is he doing right now... But what unrelated business could I ever think of? It's not like he went for a pleasure trip to spend time scampering around for breakthroughs from office stress. Sure thing he is occupied with lots of work. Isn't it the obvious reason why his boss brought him in a business travel? I know, I have to admit that I am unquestionably missing his messages. It is not like everyday we both knot in our quite endless conversation but not having anything from him for some days is eating me up.

Why not send him a message, anyway?

Oh, thanks to my inner goddess for the concern. She absolutely knows how miserable I can be. It won't harm me if I try, right? Just wanted to let him know that I am fine here and I hope that he's doing likewise.

Hi... don't bother to respond. Just wanted to let you know that someone out here is thinking about her friend afar. Hope you are enjoying while working.. I mean, you tour yourself around during your free hour. It can help you lessen the work stress...just a friendly suggestion, I guess.

As excited as I felt the chills, I hit the send button then paved my way through the kitchen. I fetched something to eat from the fridge. I had some vegetable salad leftover that weren't tainted with condiments last night. I had taken just a small portion from the bowl and dressed it directly on my plate. I wasn't in the mood to eat last night due to a distant stress from not having a good sleep for two consecutive nights prior to yesterday. For any ulterior reason, I am not yet ready to talk about it. It will only leave some trails of unwanted effects I am avoiding to occur at any present time not even a chance in the future. The latter could be perfectly unmet if I intend to become extra careful. That one, I should take note of.

Returning to the bowl of salad, I hate wasting food so I have to finish it. I don't know what to eat for dinner aside the salad. Perhaps, I'll prepare myself a tuna sandwich. I am not a heavy eater ever since but I know how my parents worried a lot about my eating habit. We even had an unhealthy argument of it. They suspected of me having an eating disorder. From where it rooted, I have not the least idea although they were insisting that I wasn't anything like it before. It is not that I am lacking of appetite nor I have any food disturbances. I just easily feel full after eating a couple or four. But even Abigail had taken notice of the issue. She once said that I am doing a very poisonous practice and it must definitely be put to an end.

I heard the familiar notification sound in my cellphone. Hurriedly, I grabbed it from the nearby cupboard and saw a response from my mysterious chat pal.

Very thoughtful of you milady! :-)

Me too, I am doing fine. I've got work load but not in the way I expected it to be. By the way, I have a good news. We had managed to close a deal from the Russian investors. So maybe tomorrow I can spend my free hours taking a stroll around the town here.

I never thought he would reply to my message that soon. I was expecting to hear a news from him by tomorrow or the forthcoming days although I know that will give me an uneasy feeling. The surge of excitement caused by his response made me stop from preparing my dinner.

Wow, that is a great news! Cheers!

●I was preparing myself a tuna sandwich. Never thought you would answer soon.

●Today I have got tons of work... specifically phone calls and some important papers to forward to businessmen. My boss is off the country. So I will be doing his job here until tomorrow. But I like it this way... I mean I prefer to have something to do than stay idle.

You mean to say you do nothing when he's around? Well, isn't it nice? That way you don't have to get worn out from too much work. I guess you should thank him. He might be thinking of your wellbeing.

●As much as I would have loved to but that is not really how things go here. If I could only guess what is running through his head. My boss didn't even bother to tell me where he went that I couldn't get to tell his clients the reason why he is out. I had to stitch my words to those with urgent demands and even made promises to keep up as soon as he comes back. I just wish with crossed fingers that I didn't create confusion with his future plan of whatever that is. And it is not only that, I doubt he believes my abilities. Why not? He is a perfectionist freak! Oopps sorry... never mind this topic. I was just carried away...

Don't be a pessimist... why would he place you in that position if he is unsure of your skills? Just think that you are a lucky girl to have a boss who doesn't want to load you with stress from the work office.

I stopped typing. He doesn't have any idea what situation I'm in with my boss. I don't even have the liking of telling this guy how odious my superior is. I don't want to give him the impression that I can't cope up with my boss and no matter what, it would give an impression that I can't create a good camaraderie towards my colleagues either. So better agree with him.

●Yeah... you got a point there... but I want him to understand that though I am a woman it doesn't mean that my gender is so fragile to hold any duties in my position where I am appointed as.

So... I must say that your boss is luckier than you.. to have an employee like you who prefers to work in full rather than being employed to lesser tasks.
You are part of their best assets, you know.
He must be grateful .

Yeah.. he must be grateful. But sadly, he is not and apparently he will never be. As clear as a snail mucin, I have perceived how proud he is of himself. He doesn't even know how to thank the people who are working in their company. Hah! Right! He isn't obliged to show gratitude by words towards everybody in the company so there is no need to thank and why would he do that? Did I forget? We are being compensated more than what we expected. I remember how Abigail reacted when I told her I got a job in the Andersons' corporation. Of course, she knows that the Andersons pay a relatively high salary. But surely it is only given to those who have passed and have met their highly exceptional standards. In other words, it is a privilege and I should rather be the one to express my gratitude towards him. So that means I can't be rude to him despite his 'as rough as a badger's bum' behavior against me.

Oh god... I'm in a terrible spot in the company, am I?

Before the night descend any further and before I get past my dinner, I finally decided to draw back from our unexpected lengthy conversation over the chat room. I can't afford to starve for another night and I need to rest early. Tomorrow is going to be another day. I will also be needing to go for a boutique after my work. I still haven't got decided what to wear for the charity ball.

YOU'LL ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME... Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt