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James' POV...

I went to the office earlier than usual. I've got lots of papers to sign but that was just one lame excuse. Honestly, I came here even before the sunrise bringing with me a troubled spirit that unfortunately, I couldn't ignore and just leave in a place, as much as possible, far from my own existence. At home, I didn't get to have a sound sleep last night or should I say early this morning. I went home at almost 2:45AM after what had happened. I shook my head as the memory of the stubborn girl flooded me.


Lorenz asked if I wanted to join him with the girls he invited to go out tonight. I, truly, wanted to accept his invitation especially anticipating the idea of catching up with the girl I kissed in the party whom he said was his friend, was very tempting but I promised someone to take her out tonight. I wondered where did Lorenz meet the lady.

I was driving and beside me sat a woman named Samantha. She's the daughter of one of my business deal I am currently working with. She is beautiful with a very sexy body and obviously she knows how to flaunt it. It is not that I am attracted to her figure but I am just doing this for the purpose of winning her father's trust in selling me his telecommunication company.

"Where are we going, James??"

She asked and looked at me while batting her eyelashes. I know exactly what she's doing-- the usual thing that women do to get men in their fully aroused attention. That was antiquated and I was already sensitized in that flirting scheme but I needed to make myself appear like it was working on me.

"That will be a surprise... I know you love surprises."

I winked at her and saw how her eyes twinkled with desire. Frankly, I really don't know where to bring her but then I remembered the pub where Lorenz told me he'll bring his friends tonight.

We arrived at the parking lot and I saw Lorenz's car. So they're already here, I thought. The girl I have with me was very ecstatic after seeing the pub. Why not??? It is one of those expensive and luxurious disco pub in town. She pulled me excitedly as we entered the lobby. That was a turn off. I hated women who act too much liberated.

We are being offered a complimentary drink but after having one, Samantha asked for a hard drink. After taking a shot of rum Martinez, she started walking down the dance floor and mingled with the people dancing. I called to her and said that I will follow later. I roamed my eyes trying to find my cousin. Everyone was dancing and swaying around in ecstasy as the loud music ruled the place. I started to walk and mix in with the crowd. My eyes spotted my cousin dancing with a short-haired blondie. They were enjoying the music. I thought he said he will be with two girls so where is the one he invited to my sister's event? Maybe she changed her mind.

I decided to go back and dance with Samantha when someone caught my attention. A brunette in her natural big locks dancing oddly against the beat. It was hard to believe why I found her moves very entertaining despite the obvious show that she's not cut into this sort of music for dancing. The disco lights made it hard for me to give a good inspection of her face. I moved myself a bit closer to the spot where I could see all her features. She was dancing with her eyes closed as if she's really caught deep by the beat of the deafening music. Her face is so angelic though the sweaty sides of her neck made her look so sexy as hell. Damn!! The effect she has on me... Her figure was signalling off a powerful call like all the demons inside my body wanted to wake up and summon me to have a bull fight.

She's wearing a burgundy color party dress that hugged her lean body in all the right places. The dress is flowy and not daring but it complimented well to her full stature accompanied by a pair of silver, slim stilettos that made her gorgeous calves look sexier. She seemed to be familiar but I can't pinpoint how. She suddenly opened her eyes and it made me realize one thing. Those eyes. They belonged to the girl I kissed at the party. I can't go wrong. My instinct was telling me that those hazel eyes belonged to her. There was only one way to confirm it.

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