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Elizabeth's POV...

I am facing myself across the mirror. My grandfather paid an elite dresser to do my hair. It was perfect and very alluring. They were curled and swept on one side like those of the bride. And though I told him I can do my make-up, he insisted on calling a make-up artist to do it. He said that we're going to attend a special occasion of one of his good friends and so I must be in my utmost presence.

My grandfather received an invitation four days ago and as much as I insisted declining his request of me coming with him, I didn't had a choice. I remember what Regine told me the first time I arrived here so maybe it's better to grant the old man's simple wishes. Making someone happy, I guess it won't do any harm.

On a drawer, I pulled out my necklace and wore it. I felt sorry for not keeping my promise of not removing it against my skin but I happened to catch my grandfather, occasionally looking at it with an expression of mixed guilt and anger. I tried my best not to become noticeably discomfited by his reaction but my inquisitiveness was keeping me a bit restless. I didn't actually understand if I was just seeing things due to my unresolved issue or maybe it was just what I honestly saw. I admit that when I left my apartment, I also brought with me here the baggage filled with the air of despondency.

I heard knocks on my door.

"Come in!"

The door opened up slowly and it revealed Mr. Jefferson.

"The master said that he will wait for you in his library chamber. Be ready in half an hour."

"Thank you Mr. Jefferson. I will be downstairs shortly. I am just finishing myself with a necklace."

"Okay young lady. By the way, you look so elegantly beautiful. No wonder why the old man is very proud of you."

"Thank you so much for the compliment but I didn't contribute anything to all of these. Those persons who came here did all the job so skillfully."

I saw him smile with his eyes beaming with pride.

"Your grandfather gives his best to the person he loves so much. Many thought he is a man with so much pontifical temper but truly he is a man who only loves and is not afraid to suffer even if it costs him pain. He is too reserved to show his other side. And it is a good thing you are here because you give him each day the kind of happiness we thought he had almost forgotten."

He sounded ironically sad.

"Okay, I will remember that... tell him I'll be down in ten minutes."

"Okay, miss."

After he left, I stood up and glanced admiringly at my reflection on the cheval glass standing next to the vintage designed wardrobe. I had a two piece night gown in a pastel peach color. The upper piece is sleeveless and is made of a thin lace embroidery in flower motif with several sequins that hugged my body like a second skin. While the lower piece is a flowy chiffon reaching down my ankle. My feet were enclosed steadily in glittering pale gold high heels.
With one last look, I stroked my locket while looking at myself and then I left my room and safely trudged down the stairs.

When I reached his library-- the only place I never happen to enter-- I made a soft knock on the wood. Upon hearing his voice for his approval, I leasurely turned the knob and cautiously entered.

I thought that the receiving room was abundantly filled but this one was even grand. Books were everywhere. From afar, you would think like they were wallpapers in every direction. They were books from floor to ceiling. The uppermost section was a loft connected to the floor by spiral stairs.

I found the old man sitting in front of a lit fireplace which is as big as the one in the receiving room. What caught my attention was the object above the fireplace mantel. It was a huge portrait of an old woman. He was staring at it with immense fondness.

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