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Elizabeth was restless in her sleep. She tossed and turned and heaved heavy sighs as if she was upset by something. She began weeping but still with her eyes shut. She was mumbling words. She started screaming.

"No! No!! I need to see him... he promised! No... ahhhh!!!"

She was suddenly awaken from her own squeal. She was shaking and horrified.

"Why am I dreaming like that, lately? There was no coherent story. They were flashes of some higlighted events I can't recall from what movie I had seen them. But they were so vivid as if I was there... I need to talk to Abigail."

She drank the glass of water she always prepare when going to bed. She felt a bit exhausted from her dream. She felt like she was consumed.

In the morning, Elizabeth came to the office in a heavy and dark tone. She believed that she's starting to get affected by those dreams but not totally in a harmful way. But then, it cannot be set aside and the fact that they were making her uncomfortable, is something she cannot deny. Not knowing the root cause of their sudden appearance, she was having anxiety and stress that she never had before.

As she entered the foyer of the building, she was greeted by Miss Adams, the receptionist and showed her something.

"Miss Hemmington, someone sent these for you. The tag indicates your name but not of the sender."

I looked at the paper bag. My full name is written on the piece of paper tagged on one side of the holder. I peaked inside and found two bars of chocolates and two boxes of Bahlsen's Butter Leaves cookies. Instead of questioning the paper bag, she thanked the lady.

"Sounds like someone here has a deep crush on you Miss Hemmington. He'll never spend much for that costly things if he hasn't his best interest on you."

She said in a teasing manner.

"I don't know, Miss Adams... but it's a pity that I cannot be bought by any material thing, especially being persuaded by expensive ones."

"Oh dear, you must be really hard to win Miss Elizabeth. But, do you think it is the big boss who's behind these and the flowers a couple of weeks ago?"

The flowers, yes. She admitted to herself that they were from his boss but not for the reason that he was courting her. It was an apology approach for what he did and maybe a blessing in disguise that finally he discovered who she was. But today, she really had no idea.

"I don't believe he will do such things like these to me. He has high preferences when it comes to women."

"That is true! You know, we pity him. There were times we saw him at the canteen, drinking alone his cup of coffee. His brooding looks can tell as if he was contemplating about something that is giving him frustrations."

"What could still frustrates the great young Anderson when he has everything?"

"There were rumors that he was about to propose to a woman but it was delayed when his parents asked him to meet a wealthy country girl. Most of the female employees here in this building were gossiping around telling that the woman he was about to marry was not good enough for him. They said, she fled away with another rich guy during Mr. James' absence. They didn't know if he was devastated by the fact that his girlfriend didn't really loved him, or there was something that had happened on that meeting."

The receptionist gave her a perplexed look while stroking her chin as if she's curious about the rumours.

"Why is it so? I mean, wasn't it nice that because of that meeting he was saved from marrying a girl who was only after of his money?"

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