A Simple Game

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votederpycausemufins said to trickstermiraculous: Been reading your prompts fic so here's one: Marinette makes a game of counting how far into a conversation someone gets before Lila relates it to herself with a lie. Adrien joins in and then Kim joins in cause it's fun and randomly calls out numbers. Soon Kim is making bets on it with Marinette. (Prompt is from a discord server I'm in btw in case you post it and it gets recognized)

Author's Note: A long chapter for a change, it's a miracle. Also wrote this at like midnight so if there's any mistake, I will go back and fix them at a later date.


School used to be a safe haven for Adrien, a chance to be away from his father and the suffocating silence that was his house but recently with Lila's arrival back at school. Adrien finally understood what people meant by school being hell.

She was everywhere, always clinging to him, way more than Chloe ever did at least she gave him room to breathe but with Lila, there was no chance of that happening.

Marinette also looked worse than ever while Lila did accept my deal in order to get Marinette back to school, Lila went straight back to making rumours about Marinette and what's worse people have started to believe them like Marinette, the girl who was our everyday Ladybug. Sadly there was no chance of me stopping them since Lila started using my father as a threat in order to get what she wants and I knew she would follow up on that threat considering she has followed that threat she gave Marinette.

Trust me when I say that I wanted nothing more than to use cataclysm on Lila right then and there but I can't do that, I'm supposed to be a hero not some sort of murder.

Right now, I finally got a chance to hang out with Marinette along with Kim and Alix since Mrs Mendeleiev gave us a group project and would not allow Lila to try and join us since it was random and wouldn't be fair on the rest of the class.

We were studying at Marinette's house, Alix was sitting on the floor typing on her laptop while Kim was reading a textbook on Marinette's Chaise, Marinette herself was sitting by her desk on her computer while I was sitting quietly on a bean bag her parents brought me so I wouldn't have to sit on the floor if I didn't want too.

Sitting here though in silence was a surprisingly nice change from what usually happens when doing group projects. Whenever I did studying with Nino, Alya and unfortunately Lila, it was never quite what with Alya and Nino being romantic that an Alya tries to get me to ask out Lila which Marinette did warn me about when we started to hang out more outside of school when I had the chance and I noticed that she didn't seem as nervous around me and well she kind of just blurted out everything.

Her crush on, the many attempts on asking me out along with a few admittedly creepy thing like the schedule which she apologised profusely and considering the fact Alya and the other never really stop it more like in encouraged it, I understand why she didn't realise it was wrong until later.

Anyways back on track, the silence was nice and for once work was getting done but unfortunately, it didn't last. Alix phone dinged and as soon as she looked at it she groaned, "What's wrong?" questioned Marinette as she reaches for an apple from the tray of snacks that her parent's brought us.

"It's Lila in the group chat, Juelka brought up the fact that she wanted to try out for some modelling jobs and Lila started going on about how she knew a bunch of famous models and she would try and see if they could help her train" respond Alix glaring at her phone,

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