You're Worse Than A Lair (Continuation)

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mariloki4 said to trickstermiraculous: I loved your fanfic "You're Worse Than The Liar". Would there be a possibility of a sequel where Marinette shows a certain resentment, like Ladybug rejecting Alya and declaring the cruelty of her actions or Marinette using her contacts or making them pay for everything I give them?


It didn't take long for the school to find out what Miss Bustier's class had done and let's just say, they were lucky Hawkmoth was only powerful enough to make one Akuma, unlike heroes day. Speaking of heroes, Alya did what she always did after an Akuma battle ask Ladybug for an interview and by this point, Marinette was done.

Alya had played with her feeling, used her for things and she still harass her for an interview when she was clearly trying to comfort the Akuma victim. Looking over Chat Noir, she could tell that he was just as done with Alya as she was. "Ladybug, why didn't you call in heroes like Rena Rouge surely illusions would have helped better than Carapace," she asked glaring over at Nino, it was clear now that because they weren't together anymore she didn't respect Nino's hero persona making Marinette's blood boil, did she only care about her views or the fact that she was famous as a superhero.

"Because Rena Rouge will never be returning" Ladybug responded as Carapace walked back over to them, "Carapace go back home, I will join you later to collect the miraculous" stated Ladybug which he noded as he jumped up to the rooftops and out of sight. "Why does Nino get his miraculous still and I don't?" asked Alya glaring at her,
"Because unlike you, he actually cares about people" snapped Chat Noir,
"I do" retorted Alya,
"like you cared about Marinette," asked Ladybug raising an eyebrow,
"What are you talking about?" responded Alya quickly paling,
"You used her for free things, didn't care about her because you felt like she was too clingy and then went so far as to believe a liar who was hell-bent of making her life horrible in order to get rid of her" stated Ladybug coldly,
"You could have just told her that you didn't want to be friends with her but instead you played with her feelings in a city were bad feelings cause people to get Akumatized", continued Chat Noir.

"You are supposed to help us defeat Hawkmoth not give him more minions to defeat us," Ladybug said while Alya stood there gaping like a fish, "Alya, I will say this only once so you better listen, you will never get a miraculous again, in fact, no one in your class will for the simple fact that it is clear that everyone there only cares about people when they know that they will get something from their friendship" and with that both Chat Noir and Ladybug went off to detransform while Alya turned off her live stream and was left to be all alone just like she and the rest of the class had done to Marinette.

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