You're Worse Than A Liar (Reactions)

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mariloki4 said to trickstermiraculous: I'm sorry but I would love to see in "You're worse than a liar" the debut of Fox!Nino and how that causes the fall of Gabriel (it would be hilarious, and even more so if he complains that he can't hit Gabriel and Nathalie with his shield because of what they did to his bro)


It was a hard Akuma to hid from since it had eye all over its body so leaving Chat Noir while he distracts it, I went to grab the fox miraculous but it's not going to Alya. Sure, I most likely doing this out of spite but at this point, Nino is the only one I trust to hold a miraculous other than Adrien and Alya revealed Nino's identity while using the turtle miraculous so he was going to be using a different Miraculous anyway and why not the one he used to but there's no doubt Alya probably told him all about how it worked.

I landed in the alleyway where he had duck for cover. "Ladybug" Nino exclaimed jumping slightly due to how quiet I was, "Nino Lahiffe do you expect the response that comes with holding the fox miraculous?" I asked, he raises an eyebrow in surprise, "the fox miraculous" you could tell that he was probably a few seconds from laughing at the irony.
"Yes," I replied trying to keep a straight face,
"Of course I accept" he answered opening the box and putting on the necklace, the necklace changed into silver insted of keeping it orange colour that was there when Alya wore it.

"I presume you know how it works," I asked, Trixx had already been informed so they were hoving quietly beside him, "yes, Alya explained it after hero's day" he answered to which I nodded quietly as I waited for him to transform, "Tixx Let's Pounce!" he exclaimed has there was a bright flash of orange light that quickly disappeared.

He was dress in something similar to Alya but his tail was wrapped around him like a belt and he wore an orange jacket that had it's hood up to show his fox ears, he wore a bronze pilot goggles and his hair had turned white. "What will your name be?" I asked, "Reynard" he replied as we jumped to the rooftops.

The fight was over quickly after that due to Reynard's illusions and after a quick introduction to the press and explain due to both Alya's and Nino's IDs being revealed to the public, they will not get a miraculous again. We meet up later that night and explained that I'm keeping Reynard as a permanent member of the team when being as about what he would do if Alya spotted him wearing it, I explained that a miraculous can change shape if needed and the next day I saw him wearing an anklet with a foxtail on it which he quickly covered up by his socks.

Alya was far from happy with Raynard being around, she spent the next day complaining about Reynard taking her miraculous to which the new teacher sneered at, saying "maybe if you hadn't treated a classmate like you had and didn't demand on to have one while exposing another hero's identity, now will you please be quiet or you are having detention after school for disrupting lessons".

It at least shut her up until lunch when she complained to people at lunch before I finally lost it, "For god's sake Alya this is why you don't have a miraculous, you never blame yourself for your mistakes and insted blame other people at this point it quite clear to everyone that you only cared about the thrill about being a hero and not the actual duty because if you did, you wouldn't be complaining and instead trying to better yourself". I left with Adrien and Nino before she had a chance to replied.

The Akuma that was sent was, of course, Alya but this time was joined by Maurya so leaving Chat Noir, Ryuko and Queen Bee who I grabbed after seeing Maurya and left them to deal with the Akuma while Reynard, Viperion and I went to go see if my hunch about Gabriel since after the Cat Blanc Akuma she had been remembering things she never did. Realising that it was the doomed timeline and find out Gabriel was Hawkmoth while knowing Adrien was Chat Noir so if I were to take him with me, he would turn into Cat Blanc.
Turns out and I was correct, it took multiple tries and using Reynard illusions as a distraction I managed to grab the miraculous. We arrived back at the fight, Queen Bee and Chat Noir were about to lose before I jumped by kicked Maurya in the face before she could grab the black cat ring. Reynard and Viperion stood guard while work with Queen Bee and Ryuko to grab Maurya's Broach which we got due to her being distracted after spotting Gabriel.

Chat Noir was keeping a confused Alya away fro the fight until it ended and Police had arrived. Explaining the situation and what we had discovered using Nooroo and Duusu as confirmation for everything that happened. Both Gabrial and Nathalie were taken into custody and their house would be searched. The team and I agreed to meet later that night as to talk about what just happened.

We meet up and decided to meet up in an old warehouse that had been abandoned but me and Chat Noir had used it as a meeting place from time to time. I brought the guardian box with me. Ryuko, Viperion, Queen Bee and Reynard detransformed in order to give them back but I refused while saying "just because Hawkmoth is gone doesn't mean the people in Paris don't need our help".

Although I explained to Kagami and Chloe to switch as their Identities had been revealed to the public already which they were happy with. Nino mumbled something which I didn't catch so he repeated it saying "kind of wish I wasn't out as Carapace so I could have nailed Gabriel in the face with my shield" making us laugh but Chat Noir laugh the hardest which was nice since he had been quiet all night.

Both I and Chat Noir had made an agreement when we first started that we would reveal each other's identities when Hawkmoth was a defeat so tonight was the night and to say people were shocked about my identity was an understatement. Adrien hugged me while repeatedly saying that he was so happy it was me, Nino started laughing at the idea of the love square we had found ourselves in and Chloe was thanking me for giving her another chance while yelling at Adrien for not telling her and making her worry for his safety when he disappeared. Both Luka and Kagami thank me politely for giving them a chance to be heroes and were happy to keep working with me.

So with Identities revealed and a new support system built on trust, the miraculous team continued to work hard to help Paris until we were adults when a new Hawkmoth appeared along with a new Maurya.

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