Truth Akumas Are Annoying But Some Times They Can Surprisingly Be Helpful

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charming-mage said to trickstermiraculous: Lila salt prompt: Mrs. Rossi gets caught up in a truth akuma attack. She spouts off lies Lila told her (ex. LB&CN are incompetent.) but she gets interrupted before anyone realizes it's lies her daughter told her so she could ditch school. Anger erupts when Mrs. Rossi is identified as a high ranking ambassador.

Author's Note: This is very short.


Truth Akumas was annoying, to say the least, but luckily they didn't happen often. Ladybug and Chat Noir were finally able to get a hold of the villain, Ladybug binding their hand in ducktape after Chat Noir had managed to trip them up and grab hold of their hand making them unable to aim and click their fingers at the person they wanted to spill what they actually thought.

The thing was just before the Akuma was captured they managed to hit Sofia Rossi and proceed to make her opinions of Ladybug and Chat Noir Known to the public. Her general opinion of the heroes was that they were useless and lazy considering the long amount of times schools have been shut down due to Akuma and that it would be better if they had actual adult heroes take care of the mess since it's obvious that they aren't doing a good enough job. No one around her seemed to share the same opinion though and they made that very clear.

After the city was fixed and the Akuma victim was being looked after by paramedics, Ladybug and Chat Noir decided to ask Sofia on why she thoughts those things, when known of them, were true.

"My daughter Lila informed me when she had to stay home from school because you can't do your jobs" the women snapped,

"You mean the same Lila Rossi who has been akumatized three times at this point, twice as Volpina and once as Chameleon" replied Chat Noir,

"The same one who has seemed to hold a grudge against me since I called her out for lying about being a hero, even when I apologised for the embarrassing way I did it" continued Ladybug.

"What are you talking about?" shouted Sofia not wanting to believe the heroes since she knew her angel of a daughter would never lie to her,

"Miss Rossi, I think you should do some research of your own instead of believing your daughter every word" replied Chat Noir,

"Especially considering your an ambassador, if I remember correctly so you shouldn't just be getting your info from your daughter when there is plenty of info online," said Ladybug as she quickly swung away before her transformation fell,

"And you might want to check the school as well" continued Chat Noir who also ran off before his transformation fell.

Leaving Sofia Rossi alone, angry and confused about the conversation she just had with the heroes of Paris. Although one thing was certain Lila was about loose her kingdom of lies pretty quickly.

Author's Note: Yes, this is short but I didn't really have much inspiration when writing it considering I had writer block but I may come back later and write the fallout of her mother investigating her daughter's lies.

Miraculous SaltOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora