Musician Payback [Part Four]

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"And what the hell happens to me?" I ask while watching that pathetic excuse for a teacher break down in tears,
"You are not only expelled but your mother has decided to send you to a different school outside of France" the woman spoke in a cold tone while the man lead Miss Bustier out of the office,
"What!" I yelled out of surprise, I knew I would be expelled but leave Paris if that happened I could help Hawkmoth and no way in hell was that happening.

"You are going to be sent to school where your father's school so that he can keep an eye on you and you will be leaving next week" snapped my mother slamming her hand down on Mr Damocles desk, "you have lied about multiple celebrities which have been posted on the internet if those people got word of what you have been saying you could be sued.",
"They don't care about-" I was cut off by my mother
"Why the hell would they care, you lied about jagged stone writing a song for an underage girl while also telling these lies in order to get free things", that made me freeze.

I hadn't thought of it that way but still, even if I lied, we wouldn't have to be in any danger but because of that reporter and her not being taking no for answer, I should have realized the danger. Godammit, I'm smarter than this.
"I didn't-" I was cut off again by my mother,
"And let's not forget getting a student expelled," she said with a cold look in her eyes, "because she dear call you out on your lies",
"Not my fault that she's the only one that-",
"The only one who used google and I know that.."

It was then she notices the papers in your hands and on instinct you quickly hid it behind you back, "what is that?" she questions slowly,
"Nothing" I reply,
"That is clearly nothing Lila, hand me it" she started getting closer to me,
I took a step back, "it's nothing mother, trust me",
"Trust you, trust you, you have done nothing but lie to me since we came to Paris, now hand it over" she growled putting her palm in front of me, knowing there was no way she was going to drop this, I handed her the papers.

As she read them her face turn more furious by the second, I stood there praying for an Akuma because I knew the moment she opened her mouth, I was as good as dead. Insted of the usual yelling I thought I would get, it was cold anger. "Well you are going to pack your bags as soon as we get home since you will be leaving in two days," she said in an ice-cold tone as she opened the door and pulling me through it roughly while she said good-bye to the others in the office.

Author's Notes

Right so on the topic of my mental health since people were worried. I am better now than I was a week ago and the dangerous objects are hidden so even if I tried something (which I haven't) I would not be in danger. My family and college (who are going to set me up with college counsellor) along with my friends know what's going so I've got a lot of people to keep me safe.
Thank you for all the concern and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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