Chapter 18: Falling for You

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Kujo Residence

Good grief, today has been tiring. After what happened before lunch I wasn't able to focus in any of my classes. Now I have to get through a dance lesson, which requires me to focus. Something I'm not currently good at doing. Not even the walk with Kakyoin to my house gave me a break, thanks to all those clingy bitches.

Kakyoin clapped his hands together, "Alright Jotaro, now that we are here I'll explain the next step you're learning to make the waltz more advanced." I nodded my head slightly. On top of not being focused I've been talking even less. "So, today we are going to be practicing moving in a circle when doing the waltz." Kakyoin explained, "Now I want you to pay close attention, I'm about to explain how the step is done." I nodded once again. I heard Kakyoin start to talk but it quickly turned into background noise.

I can't get my mind off of everything that has happened in the past two days. Sunday is when it all happened. It all started when we held hands. I was able to convince myself that it happened because I was trying to comfort him, but after what happened today I'm starting to believe it less and less.

I don't even know what to think about what happened today in the first place. The day started off with me asking who Kakyoin was going to the dance with, but I don't even know why I asked to begin with. Why was I so interested in if Kakyoin was going with someone already, and why the fuck was I so happy when I found out he wasn't going with anyone.

     That brings me to my other issue. Trying to figure out why Kakyoin turned that girl down. He said himself that this morning he would go if someone asked him out, and then when he does get asked out, he rejects her! I'm so fucking confused. However, I don't care about that nearly as much as I care about why Kakyoin all of a sudden makes me feel so, whole.

     Whenever I'm around him I feel happier. I love all of his random facts, and how smart he is. His ability to play video games like a pro makes him such a nerd but I can't help but find it cute. The way he goes from being in honour student when speaking to people he doesn't know very well, to becoming goofy and snarky around his friends is the best. Even when he molests those poor cherries I can't help but be entertained. Everything about him is just perfect, but why do I think this?

"...and don't forget, the circle is to the lead's left and it's 3/4 turn." My thoughts came to a halt when Kakyoin finished talking and was now looking at me. I stared blankly at him. "Did you hear a word I said Jotaro?" Kakyoin questioned me, placing a hand on his hip.

"No," I deadpanned. There is no use in hiding it.

Kakyoin sighed, "I'm just going to demonstrate it instead of trying to explain." I watched Hierophant Green appear and get into position with Kakyoin. Hierophant was in the leading position. I started the record and waited for them to start. As usual, the music played and they sprung into action immediately. Hierophant stepped forward while Kakyoin stepped back, nothing new there. Then Hierophant took another step forward so that his feet were next to one another, Kakyoin followed suit stepping backwards. Still nothing new there.

     Hierophant and Kakyoin brought their feet together, however when they were supposed to move onto the next step they did a turn to Hierophant's left and then carried on with the steps. As they continued doing this they were going in the shape of a circle instead of a box. Their movements when turning were so fluid it reminded me of the first time he showed me the waltz. They stopped once the song ended.

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