Chapter 7: Jotaro Jackson

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March 18, 1989

"Oh my dear grandson~!" What the fuck, what's that sound? Other than the yelling there's something else, footsteps, and fast ones. My eyes shoot open, those fast footsteps are coming right towards my room! My eyes widen at the sight of the old man jumping into the air over my bed. My life flashed before my eyes, it wasn't very interesting. The wind got knocked out of me as my body was shoved deep into my mattress, as the old man made impact. "Jotaro it's time to wake up!"

"Get off me bastard!" I snarled shoving the old man's face away.

"What? How come you aren't happy to see your grandfather's face in the morning?" Joseph questioned confused.

"Yours is the last face I'd want to see when I wake up!" I can feel the veins starting to pop out of my head.

"The last face huh? Then who's the first?" The old man snickered. That's it, this old geezer better get the fuck out of my room before I ora his ass. I quickly summoned Star Platinum,

"Star Platinum, The World." I said through gritted teeth. Time froze on the old bastard's shit eating grin, I can't wait to wipe it off his face. I brought out Star Platinum go carry the old man outside of my room with me, and to the koi pond. Something tells me that the old man is going to be getting used to that spot in the next 2 months. I made quick work of dropping him in the pond and speed walking back to my room. Just as I slid the door shut my ears were filled with a glorious sound.

"OH NOOOOOOO! NOT AGAIN!" The old man bellowed.

"Papa I told you that the pond isn't meant for swimming!" I smirked triumphantly, maybe today won't be so bad after all.

***Time skip brought to you by koi ponds***

     I swat my mom away after she kissed my cheek, then turn on my heels to start walking. As I continue walking I hear the old man grumble something from the entryway.

"Have fun seeing your number one face." I feel my face heat up once I realize what he meant, shitty old man. At least he can't see my face. I continue to walk making my way towards Kakyoin's house.

     I stop in front of a gate that has the name KAKYOIN on it and lean against it. Less than 2 minutes later the door opens and I see Kakyoin kissing his mother goodbye. Quickly he turns around and starts walking towards me.

"How long have you been waiting here?" Kakyoin questioned. "Sorry if you had to wait long." He apologized giving a lopsided smile.

"It's fine Nori, I got here not that long ago." I reassured.

"That makes me feel better." He breathed out, then immediately returned to his usual cheeriness. "Let's head to school now, we don't want to end up like yesterday!"

"Good grief, I've never met someone so enthusiastic about getting to school on time." I joked. Kakyoin laughed airily in response.

***Time skip brought to you by the plot line***

     Kakyoin and I are eating our lunches on the roof again, this time we were both a little more prepared. I kept my bento in my school bag and Kakyoin brought a bag with him to put the letters in.

"Joot, I'm curious." Kakyoin said after swallowing the cherry he was previously molesting.

"What?" I responded snapping out of the daze I was in from watching him destroy the cherry.

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