Chapter 10: Schedule

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March 19, 1989
Kakyoin Residence

     I've been standing at the front gate to Kakyoin's house for ten fucking minutes. Not because he's running late, but because I'm early. To be fair I had a perfectly valid reason for coming early, and that reason's name is Joesph Joestar aka the old man. He wouldn't stop teasing and interrogating me about how my lesson with Kakyoin went after he had walked in on my face being the same shade as a tomato. So, after enduring it for a good fifteen minutes I decided to leave in fear that I would beat him to a bloody pulp if I stayed any longer. I could feel myself scowl at the memory.

"Good freakin grief." I mumbled under my breath.

"Woah, what's got you making that scary face this early in the morning? Y'know if you keep scowling like that you'll get wrinkles." I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Kakyoin, I could recognize that snarky voice anywhere. I sighed and turned towards a grinning Kakyoin.

"If I was worried about getting wrinkles I wouldn't be smoking now, would I?" I scoffed giving him an amused glance.

"Ha ha, now why were you scowling like that? It's only-" He looked down at his watch then black up at me, "8:05am, what could have possibly happened?"

"I was just remembering something that pissed me off." I deadpanned. I saw curiosity flash through Kakyoin's eyes but it quickly vanished.

"Well just do what my mom always told me, turn that frown upside down!" He lifted his arm up and and dragged it across his face to form a smile. I just stared at him, all emotion a void on my face. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why aren't you smiling? It always worked for me." I continued to stare at him blankly. Kakyoin then started reaching his hands up towards my face, "Here I'll help you." He took both of his index fingers and moved the corners of my mouth to smile. "There, perfect. A little creepy, but it suits you I guess." I swatted his hands away and he chuckled.

"Good grief, let's just get going already." I pulled my hat down. We started making our way down the sidewalk.

"So, Jotaro I've been wanting to talk to you about something." Kakyoin started. I grunted to show that I was listening. "Well about the dance lessons, I made a schedule for when we will practice." He continued.

"What did you come up with then?" I asked.

"Well I came up with this; everyday we will practice at lunch and after school, and on the weekends we will practice from 1 o'clock to 4 since I have to be home for dinner. How does it sound?" He finished. I thought over what he said.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." I answered.

"Great! So it's settled." He beamed giving me a wide smile. We talked carelessly about random topics and school until we were interrupted by those annoying bitches again. I noticed that Kakyoin scowled when a girl called out my name but it disappeared almost immediately. He's probably just annoyed that he was interrupted in the middle of what he was saying. The rest of the walk to school was spent with the bitches unfortunately, but it's not anything I'm not already used to.

When we reached the front of the school the crowd of girls started to disperse as they went to their respective classes. Kakyoin and I walked through the halls until we got to the stairs where we would be going to different places.

"Well this is where we part ways, for now at least." Kakyoin said glancing down the hallway where he would be going next. "Be ready for our dance lesson at lunch ok!"

"I'll try." I responded. He laughed lightly then waved goodbye as he made his way down the hallway.

***Time skip brought to you by schedules***

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