Chapter 9: How It's Done

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I followed behind Kakyoin as he briskly made his way through the halls. Then it registered, I just called Kakyoin cute. I mean he was making a cute face with his eyebrows scrunched together and the way he marched around the corner- what the hell? This isn't weird is it? It's perfectly fine for someone to admire their friend and find them cute right? I haven't really had any close friends before the 50 day trip, other than the occasional times I would smoke with a group of delinquents after school.

     I can't be too sure though, in the movies I've watched every time the main character found their friend cute they ended up becoming...lovers. I don't feel that way about Kakyoin, we're just friends right. All of a sudden I let out a grunt as I bump into something hard. I back up and recognize the object to be Kakyoin's back. I look around and see that we had arrived in my room, I must've zoned out while I was caught up in my...troubling thoughts. I turn my head in the direction of Kakyoin only to be met with his violet eyes boring into mine. His face scrunches up as his eyes scan my face.

"Your face is bright red." He deadpanned.

"What?" I stared at him dumbly.

"I said your face is bright red, plus you bumped into me just now." His face now looked a bit more concerned.

"Oh, I just had a bad headache." I lied. I was so focused on my thoughts that I failed to notice the heat that had made its way to my face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't have you being sick for our first lesson now can I, in fact I won't allow it!" Kakyoin quickly did his special pose, bending his left arm horizontally in front of his body, as his right arm bent on top of it vertically. His eyes became shaded, "I, Kakyoin Noriaki, am going to fetch a glass of water to stop Kujo Jotaro from falling ill in the name of dance!" Using Hierophant he glided out of the door, leaving me in the dust to contemplate what the fuck just happened.

     He came back in only a matter of two minutes with a glass of water. He handed it to me and watched me drink it, almost intently, until I got to the very last drop. I set the empty glass down on the nightstand next to my bed. I look towards Kakyoin as he is shutting the bedroom door. He suddenly whips around and flashes me a smirk, I can feel myself start to sweat from the anxiety bubbling inside me.

"So, Jotaro. Before we start I'd like to show you what a real waltz should look like." Kakyoin slowly strut his way to the empty area next to my bed, his hips swaying more than usual. He paused once he reached his destination, "Hierophant Green!" His stand gracefully appeared in its humanoid form. He nodded to his stand and Hierophant went to hold Kakyoin in the same position I was in with the old man. Except this time, the feel of it oozed with confidence. Unlike the awkward, and uncomfortable atmosphere the old man and I had managed to create. Kakyoin was dancing the woman's part which shocked me a little bit. The almost intoxicating aura that had settled around the room was broken however when Kakyoin snapped his head in my direction.

"Sorry to be a bother, but do you have any classical music I could dance too?" Kakyoin asked politely, seemingly more shy.

"Sure, I think my mom may have a record full of classical music. I'll go get it." I got off my bed and made my way out of the room.

***Time skip brought to you by the ultimate dance teacher***

I walked back into my room with the record and a record player. I set it up on my nightstand waiting for Kakyoin to signal when to start it. I watched him get back into position, none of the confidence from before was lost.

"Alright Jotaro, you can start it." I pressed the on button for the record to start spinning, then picked up the tone arm and carefully set the stylus in the last groove of the record. Classical music instantaneously filled the room, I glued my eyes to Kakyoin. Hierophant was the one leading, but Kakyoin didn't let himself be outdone. Even though Hierophant was leading, Kakyoin's following steps had a lot of confidence and fluidity to them, all whilst making sure that he didn't outshine Hierophant in the process. It was like him and Hierophant were one in the same, like they would fuse together at any moment. Kakyoin's eyes never leaving Hierophant's. It was like the invincible bond between them that had grown throughout the years was being explained to me without the use of words.
They glided around the room effortlessly, it almost appeared like they weren't touching the ground at all. And his hips, Kakyoin's hips were truly one of the main parts that completed the ethereal effect that their dance created. It was part of what made his physique so feminine, I had always wondered how he ended up with his shape. Most women wish for a body such as his, and men thirst for women who have that same figure. He's able to take his feminine features and mix it with his more masculine parts. It explains how he's able to pull off a dance like this to make it look like the person following the leader is equal to them, and not just being controlled. Before I know it the music has stopped and so has Kakyoin and Hierophant.

"So, as my first official step of training I want you to try imitating that with Star Platinum." Kakyoin challenged, looking at me with a knowing smile once he saw my mouth slightly agape. I shut my mouth and swallowed harshly.

"Good grief, I mean, how hard can it be?" I scoffed trying to sound confident. I stood up and Kakyoin and I switched places. I called out Star Platinum and got in position with him. I know Kakyoin said to imitate but I'm going to dance the man's role since it's what I've been practicing up until now. "You can start it now."

"Sure thing Joot, don't break anything." Once I hear the classical music start I move forward like before, however Star didn't know that the music meant start so I ended up stepping on his foot. I winced, but continued. This is nothing like Kakyoin's, instead of our moves flowing with confidence, it's drowning in nervousness. I don't think this even counts as dancing, we're just stumbling over each other like we're drunk out of our minds. Instead of appearing to be floating in the air Star and I are constantly reminded that we are on the ground due to how many times our feet have pressed into it from being stepped on. The only thing similar between the dances is the fusing parts, but for different reasons. Kakyoin and Hierophant seemed like they'll fuse together because of how in tune they are. On the other hand, Star and I may fuse because of Star losing his balance and crushing me into oblivion. Finally I hear the song end and I clumsily finish the dance with Star. Both of us are sweating profusely.

"Wow, I'd call that a five star performance." Kakyoin clapped slowly.

"Cut the bull crap Nori, it was absolute shit." I gave him an annoyed face. My pride is too wounded for me to be embarrassed anymore.

"Your words, not mine." He gave me a shit eating grin. "I have a lot of work to do in these next two weeks, Mr. Joestar wasn't joking when he wished me luck." He chuckled dryly.

"You said once you're done with me I'll be dancing like a pro, is the dance pro Kakyoin Noriaki up?" I teased. A large grin spread across Kakyoin's face as he started walking towards me. Once he reached me he went up on his tip toes and placed his lips near my ear.

"Now where did you get that bizarre idea? I said I'd have a lot of work to do, but it's nothing I can't handle." He whispered. I froze as my mind went into a state of shock. Kakyoin then backed up and grabbed his school bag, "Alright I'll see you tomorrow Joot! I don't want my parents to get worried!" I gave him a weak nod to show that I'd heard him. He chuckled and headed out the door. After about a minute of standing in the same spot I felt my entire body heat up. I feel faint.


1482 words


FIRST OFFICIAL LESSON DONE!!! I hope you enjoyed the fluff. Sorry if the explanation when it comes to the dances is a bit rough, I've never written descriptively about dance before. I will keep working to improve for my wonderful readers! Until next time!

~Author-chan OUT! (๑◕ㅂ▰)

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