Chapter 11: Everytime We Touch I Swear I Could Die

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Kujo Residence

     After the incident with Kakyoin I went to the nurse's office, but after deciding that I'd had enough school for one day I decided to head straight home. I've just been reading through my marine biology magazines that were lying around, I care a lot more about the ocean than math. Just as I turned the page I was reading about jellyfish I heard my door roughly slide open, I whipped my head to the door startled only to find Kakyoin in my doorway looking concerned.

"Jotaro! Are you ok? When school was finished I went to your class to check on your condition only to find that you weren't there," He took a breath then continued, "When I asked a girl in your class she told me that you had gone home after lunch."

"Oh yeah sorry, after going to the nurse's office I decided to just go home for the day." I explained.

"Well are you feeling any better?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly normal." I think anyway. Kakyoin let out a huff of relief, and his face lost its concerned exterior.

"That's good news, now we can have our dance lesson without any problems! Let's get started then shall we?" He beamed walking towards me. I grunted as he lifted me up from my position on the floor. "We'll continue from where we left off at lunch first, you're still a little sloppy." Ok, I can do this! Just don't get all awkward about it like before, he's just a good guy friend who's helping you dance. Yeah, a guy friend that's all he is, just a guy friend with nice, smooth, hands, big hips, a perfect waist, and beautiful eyes. I need to stop thinking.

We walked up to each other and got into position again. That's when I felt it, the symptoms from before were coming back. My heart felt like it would explode right out of my chest, my blood felt like it was boiling, and I broke out into a cold sweat. I can't get past the feeling of his smooth hand in mine, or the dip of his waist that curves out to make his large hips, and his eyes. I know I'm supposed to make eye contact with him but the only thing I'm able to do is look anywhere but his eyes. I'm afraid that if I look at them again I'll get caught under their trance just like last time, and I always get this strange feeling that feels like it's coming from the pit of my stomach.

To make matters worse, because I'm so distracted by these things I'm constantly being scolded by Kakyoin, and touched by him and Hierophant to correct my posture. Every time he goes to press my hand tighter to his waist, or moves my hand up and down his waist to show me the right position I feel my body react in different ways. Whenever he squeezes my hand tighter in his or uses Hierophant to make me look him in the eyes I feel like I'll implode right then and there. Fortunately, the torture came to a halt when Kakyoin let go of me and stood back examine my face.

"Jotaro, are you sure you are feeling better?" He had a worried look on his face. "Your face is completely red and I could practically feel heat emanating from you."

"Nori, please I'm fine." I reassured. The only reason I'm in this state is because of you! "I just need to take off my gakuran and I'll be fine."

"You wouldn't happen to be lying to me, would you Jotaro?" He furrowed his eyebrows. Suddenly he got a mischievous glint in his eyes. He started walking in my direction until he was almost up against my chest. "So, if I were to kiss you right now, you're telling me that I wouldn't get sick tomorrow?" His tone sounded so sensual I thought it was a different person talking. My eyes widened to the point where I thought they might fall out, I became a stuttering mess, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. "Just kidding! C'mon Jotaro don't tell me you took me seriously, we're just friends right?"

"Yeah, just friends." I felt my chest tighten at the word friends and it came out sounding a little more forceful than I intended, but I decided to ignore it. Kakyoin turned around and distanced himself from me.

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