Chapter 15: Blank

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Elsa continued to stare as Anna approached her and hugged her from behind.

"Are you alright?" Anna asked.

Elsa looked at her sister grinning but barely containing the tears that were about to drop. She looked at Anna and hugged her quickly.

"Oh Anna!" Elsa said with a worried tone in her voice.

"Whatever happens I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." Elsa added as she looked at her dear sister.

Anna smiled and said "It's alright Elsa. I'm still here."

But Elsa continued crying. She was so scared that she might have seriously hurt somebody just when she was learning how to control her powers.

"Why is it everytime I try to get close with someone, they always end up getting hurt?"Elsa thought.

"It's not your fault that you have to use force in order to save me." Anna assured her.

Kristoff followed quickly afterwards.

"Are you guys alright?" he asked, worried.

"We're fine." Anna grinned.

Santa and Bunny were tying up Jack with a special kind of rope. Sandy overlooked if the place was clear in case of any other attacks while Tooth approached the sisters and Kristoff.

"We're sorry if Jack acted this way. We don't know what happened to him and we're still finding out who did this to him." Tooth said.

Elsa tried to dry her tears and said "I'm sorry, I might have hurt him. I—I didn't know what to do. It was so sudden."

"No need to apologize. Jack's strong but he was not always like this." Tooth said sadly.

"I know…" Elsa reminisced.

Tooth's eyes lightened up a little bit and asked curiously "You're Elsa right?"

"Yes?" Elsa looked at them cautiously.

"Jack told us about you. Bits and pieces of info though. That's why we were with your sister. She knew where to find you." Tooth replied.

Elsa blushed a little.

"It's hard though that we have to meet at circumstances like this." Tooth said sadly.

"Do you have any idea who might have caused him to act like this?" Elsa asked with concern.

"We have but we're still not sure." Tooth said.

"Is there any way I can help?" Elsa asked as she looked at Jack who was still unconscious.

"We won't want to risk your life for this mission. After all, it's our ultimate responsibility to protect especially the children." Tooth said.

Afterwards, Sandy came up to them and mentioned "I don't think Jack will still be himself when he wakes up. He's not dreaming as what we usually do when we snooze off."

"You mean he will still be hard to handle?" Bunny asked from a distance.

Sandy nodded.

"We have to find a cure." Cupid said "Well every problem has one." He added.

"I know who can help." Kristoff volunteered.

"You do?" Anna asked Kristoff sounding surprised.

"Yes, if there is something that Grand Pabbie knows a lot it's about cure for these kind of stuff." Kristoff replied confidently.

The others look dumbfounded.

"Unless you guys have any other idea." Kristoff challenged.

"We have to take a chance with what he said." Elsa said, standing up. "It's either we try to find it elsewhere while Jack tries to fight us all off or we talk to someone who might have a cure." Elsa added.

"And it's just a walk away from here." Kristoff said.

"Then we better get started then." Anna said.


And so the Guardians together with Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and of course Sven traveled to where the rock trolls were. It was very rare for Kristoff to bring people there and now they were so many. When they reached the place, Kristoff called out to them.

"Grand Pabbie! It's me, with friends. I guess." Kristoff announced as he waited.

After a minute or so, the rock trolls appeared before them.

"We heard you dear boy. What is it now?" Grand Pabbie asked but was surprised when he saw strangers gathering.

"Visitors!" the rock trolls shouted joyfully.

"We're not here to party Grand Pabbie, we're here to ask you for help. " Kristoff said as he gestured to Santa who was carrying Jack. Grand Pabbie approached them and examined Jack who was still unconscious.

"Hmmm. It's just a matter of the mind. Something has clouded his mind. I can fix it although I can't promise his whole memory can come back." Grand Pabbie said.

"What do you mean whole memory?" Elsa asked.

"Since darkness has covered parts of his mind, some his memories may have been affected so we have take them out because if some stayed inside his system, I can't assure you he'll not attack you again." Grand Pabbie replied.

"Please help him." Tooth begged.

"Are you sure?" Grand Pabbie asked the group.

Each one of them looked at each other and slowly nodded their heads.

"Well then, I'll do my best." Grand Pabbie and then he did his magic in order to cure Jack.

It was suddenly dark, as if the stars have gone and immediately the stars reappered all at once and the northern lights suddenly appeared from the horizon and at the blink of an eye, everything was back to normal.

"He'll be alright." Grand Pabbie said as he walked away.

Elsa approached thanked Grand Pabbie and approached Jack.

She looked at him and observed that his face was more at peace unlike when she last saw him fainted at the Ice Palace.

"Jack?" Elsa whispered as she swept his hair from his face.

Jack opened his eyes.


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