Scotty's surprised me. I was expecting a wanker fine dining atmosphere, butlers and white tablecloths. Instead, the chauffeur drops us off in front of a grimy hole in the wall type place. It's what you would expect a classic New York diner to look like, "Scotty's Diner"

The bell jingled as we and our security entered the door. We went to our reserved two booths at the back, one for us girls and the other for the security.

'I hope you're not too posh for this place Paige,' Lea asks

'No, not at all! It's very charming,' I reply, the atmosphere in here is great. Closely seated people talking and enjoying their food while you inhale the mouth-watering scent of the food being made.

'I'm sure Paige feels more at home here than at any Michelin Star restaurant,' Tia adds, taking a dig at me. I just ignore her and so does Lea when she explains,

'This place is a classic. me, Lavender and Tia found this place one night when we were high out of our minds and getting the munchies. It's the best,'

I look at the slightly sticky menu, observing the extensive breakfast menu and various club sandwich options,'

'The Philly cheesesteak is good,' Lavender suggests,

'Yeah it's my favourite,' Tia smiles at Lavender, Tia being kind?

'I'll get that then,' I say, closing the menu.

I check the time: 8.14 pm


10.14 pm

Shots shots shots!

I feel the vibrations of the loud music, and this alcohol is making me jump to the beat. We move front the bar to the dance floor. Our security guards stand out of our ways, looking for any possible threats in the periphery.

Me and the girls skipped the long queue to get inside heehee. The girls are regulars here, the bartenders know not to ask us for ID, I think one of their parents owns this place.

As we're all dancing together when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I shout over the loud music, turning to them,

'I'm not interest-' my eyes meet those pretty brown eyes I'm so used to. 'Oh!! Sammm!!! You'rrree here!' I squeal, tripping up and latching onto his chest. Sam slides his arm around my waist,

'Yeah me and Charles thought we would surprise you!' He shouts, 'having a good time!?'

'It's great now!' The alcohol speaks before I stop myself.

'Charles!!!' Lavender shouts, her often subdued emotions now revealed. She gives him a big hug, then kisses him in the cheek, giggling. Oh, I see...

Lea and Tia are both happily surprised by Charles and Sams appearance, however, Tia's face sours when she sees Sams arm around my waist.

'Let's dance!' Tia shouts, taking Sams hand and yanking him to her, then grinding on him. Lea takes my hand and we dance together. I try to push Sam from my mind, and just focus on this lovely night.

I think I need some more gin.

I head to the bar, then taking a seat on the stools. this place is wayyy quieter. I hear another stool squeak next to me. I look up to see Sam next to me.

'Hey,' he softly says

'Heyyy Sammy,' I coo very drunkenly.

'I have been called that since I was a kid,' he chuckles

'What can I get for you two?' The bartender asks

'We'll get two lemonades thanks,' Sam says, the bartender scurrying off to other customers.

'I wanted some more juice Sammmy,' I groan

'No more juice for you Paige, now I've been meaning to talk to you,'

'What pretty boy?' Oh no, why did that have to come out...

'I'm sorry for upsetting you on Monday,' Sam says sincerely, 'I shouldn't have talked so casually about your experiences, and I'm sorry,'

'It's okayyy Sammyyy boy, I wasn't really mad,' I slur

'Oh, so why were you avoiding me all this week?' He asks confusedly, leaning in closer to me, thanking the bartender for the lemonades and paying.

'Ohh, no reason,' I say, restraining myself.

'Come on Paigeeee,' he pleads, curious.

'Don't call me that,' I snap, no no don't blow your cover, Sage.

'Call you what? Paige?' Sam asks, even more confused. Letting out a frustrated chuckle.

'Nevermind... I avoiddeded you bcauseeee,' I take a sip of the lemonade, you are in danger if I don't 'oh! I have to go now Sam, I'm so sorry, goodbye' I gather my things and hop off the stool.

'Wait, you can't go home in that state, let me take you!' Sam calls after me

'Gerry will look after me, won't you?' I ask one of my security guards

'Yes Ma'am,' he quickly replies

'Please tell them I had a great time Sam, see you on Monday!' I wave goodbye, hurrying out the door.

'Bye Paige,' I hear him quietly utter as I exit Club Mincx.

Thank GOD, I was SO CLOSE to blowing my cover. Any longer and I would have revealed my entire fucked up situation. Goddammit, Sage, you can't get drunk!!! No!!

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Where stories live. Discover now