Chapter 1 - She's the Greenie

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A sudden jolt and the whirring of machinery forced her to regain consciousness. She jumped up upon the realisation that she had no idea where she was or why she was there.  Her breath grew short as she began to comprehend that she was in a cage that seemed to be moving upwards, passing by beams of light that allowed her to see what was around her. She was finally calming down when she suddenly noticed that she couldn't remember how she ended up the cage, who put her there and why. Her heartbeat quickened as beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. With her mind in a blur, she did the only thing she could think to do. She screamed.

She continued to scream until she brought on a cough, and decided that no one was going to hear her. Instead, she opted for the boxes that were piled up on the other end of the cage. She tore the top one open and rummaged through it until she came across a machete. She grinned wolfishly as she caressed the blade in her hands. She could only imagine the damage she could do with this on who, or whatever greeted her once she was let out.

The unanticipated impact of the cage coming to a halt threw her off of her feet and she landed on her back with a small thud. She groaned in pain, but stopped as her ears picked up the faint sound of a distant siren. She raised her arm to block the light that pierced it's way through the darkness and held out the machete in the other hand. She didn't remove her arm from her eyes until she heard a voice.

"It's a girl."

The voice felt familiar. It sent a wave of serenity over her as she listened to the simple words that weren't even directed at her. Something about the tone, the pitch and the accent made her believe that this person was worth trusting with her life, but her head hardly allowed such a thought since she hadn't even seen his face yet.

She took her arm away and found a group of young boys staring down at her, all wearing dumbstruck faces as they gazed down at the first girl they could remember laying eyes on. She did not appreciate the silent, judgmental stares, so she jumped up and kept the knife steady.

"Where the hell am I?" She demanded. "Who are you? Why can't I remember anything?"

"We'll answer all of your questions soon, Greenie. For now, let's get you out of that box," a boy with dark skin and a large build said.

"Don't come near me. I'm not going anywhere until someone explains what the hell is going on!" She yelled.

The boys looked at each other with bewildered expressions, none of them knowing how to welcome the girl without getting their heads chopped off. It wasn't long before a different boy spoke, one with arched eyebrows and seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face.

"Someone's gotta go down there and get her," he said before stalking off to the back of the group, making it clear that he had no intentions of getting into that box with an unpredictable girl holding a knife.

"I'll go." There it was again. That voice that made the girl feel at home, and safe. It scared her in ways that she didn't think she could be scared.

The boy that uttered those words was blonde, tall and thin, but he most certainly didn't look weak. As he made his way down into the box, the girl noticed his limp, which immediately concerned her, much against her will. She kept the knife directed at him as he stepped down to her level.

"You need to relax, Greenie. Just hand me knife and we can help you get settled here alright," the boy said.

"No. Tell me where I am!" She barked.

The boy took a hesitant step towards her. "You're in the Glade. You can see it if you come out of this box."

She simply stared at him, a debate in her mind about what would be the best option for her. She could allow herself to trust these boys, but she had no idea what they were like and how they would treat her. The only person she trusted was herself at this moment, and she believed it would be best to keep it that way, no matter how this boy made her feel.

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