Chapter 21 "They're all gone"

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"Dad, this is not your fault. I made a decision, and everything got out of control, but I'm very sorry" I explained.

"It's okay, baby. It's not your fault at all"


"Vicky. We'll start working on your recovery right away, but please forgive us" My mum said as she hugged me.

"Mum, what are you talking about? I don't need recovery. I just want Paul to be okay. Someone's got to help him get out of prison. We need to do something!"

"Baby, it's okay if you don't hate Paul for what he did to you, but he has to be there" Dad said.

"What?! No, you don't understand what I'm trying to say"

"Denial isn't good, sweetie. You suffered... sexual abuse, but it doesn't make you a bad person...embrace it; we are here to support you" My mum said as she held my hand.

Dad nodded. "We'll get help, and together we can overcome this. I swear, Vicky"

"There was no sexual abuse, dad. He loves me" I said.

"Is that what he told you?" He frowned. I believe he thought Paul 'made me believe that', and so it made dad feel very upset.

"Of course! I love him too" I looked down.

"Victoria. You're still very affected by this. We'll stop this conversation right here; you're not stable. You were-"

"Mum..." Damian walked in slowly. "I take the guilt... I didn't keep an eye on her, and so...she started seeing Paul. I tried to stop them, but they were happy; they are in love..." Damian sighed waiting for the worst to come knowing they probably wouldn't believe him.

"You him?" My dad looked at me. His eyes begged me to say no.


"You lied to us...? You were not his personal assistant" Mum mumbled.

"No, I wasn't" I looked down.

"Again. All my fault" Damian said. "Victoria and Paul were together for a while in secret before we lied to you. I just wanted her to be happy" He told them as he looked at me.

"Thank you for telling us the truth, Damian" Dad said "But we don't think-"

"We don't think you should see Paul ever again" Mum finished his sentence. "At least not in a while. You know we've always been very understanding with you, but this situation is very complicated, so it's better to stay away. Could you understand us?"

"I suppose" I nodded. Inside my heart was breaking because well, I wasn't going to see Paul in jail any soon either.

"I agree, mum, but Paul is innocent; he didn't force her to do anything. In fact, he didn't know she was younger than him when he fell for her"

I couldn't believe Damian defended him; it's something I would have never thought it'd happen.

"How do you know?"

"I've known him for a while; he's a good person. He'd never hurt her. I swear..." Damian said as he looked at my parents' eyes. "Paul's manager already got him a lawyer, and if we go there and say you approved their relationship then he can be released"

Seeing my brother talking like that about Paul and my relationship with him -knowing he didn't approve it at first- made me feel very emotional; I started crying a little in silence. I had so many emotions. Suddenly I remembered all the things my brother had to go through when Paul and I escaped.

"Mum...please" I begged with tears in my eyes.

Mum could never stand seeing me upset; she would always do whatever made me happy, and it's been that way all my life. Same with my dad.

"I suppose... we'll see if we can do something to help Paul" Dad said as he looked away. He has a kind heart. I knew he believed in Damian's words because he'd never lie.


Paul's P.O.V.

One night only. It just took me one night in prison to realize that was the worst night of my life. My cell was very cold all night, so I barely had any sleep. I was awakened by footsteps sounds coming closer. I sat up, and opened my eyes slowly. Hearing that person's voice, I realized it was Brian.

"You're free to go now" Brian said as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"For real?" I looked up at him.

He nodded as a police officer unlocked my cell.

"How? What happened?" I couldn't believe I didn't have a court or something. "Just like that?" I asked as I got out of the cell.

"Ah McCartney" Brian sighed. "You're very lucky; Victoria's parents helped you even though they don't want you near their daughter anymore"

"They declared they knew Victoria and I-"

"Yes, but I feel very bad about this anyway. They had the right to decline doing what they did to help you, and I feel even worse knowing they will probably regret it once they find out you got her pregnant"

"I love her, Brian; that's all I can say" I mumbled.

"It's okay. We have many press conferences coming. Better get ready for that" He rubbed his temples. "I'll take you home. George's actually."


"I told the other three to hide there in the meantime" He said.

"How come?"


"Yeah... I might need a freaking bodyguard now"

I wasn't joking.

After signing a thousand papers, Brian drove me to George's house where Victoria's brother and parents had been waiting outside.

"Uh...hello?" Brian greeted when we got out of his car.

I wanted to thank them for helping me, but I was paralyzed when they told us something unexpected...

"My daughter disappeared" Victoria's mum said as she glared at me. I think she thought she was with me at first, but my response convinced her that she wasn't with me.

"What?! When was the last time you saw her?!"

"Mrs. Taylor. I assure you that Paul just came out of prison, and we haven't seen Victoria" Brian explained.

"She must have lost her mind, and went out to find you or something!" Damian exclaimed exalted.

"We told her we'd help Paul; why would she do that?" Her dad tried his best to stay calm.

"Alright. Everybody calm down. It's a very concerning situation, but we really need to stay calm. Let's ask the rest of the boys if they know something" Brian said before he went inside the house.

"God, I just want her to be okay right now..." I mumbled as I looked down.

"Victoria, Victoria. When will you stop doing things like these?" Her brother sat down on the floor; he was very frustrated.

"This time I swear I didn't mean to-"

"They're gone too..." Brian interrupted me as he came out of the house holding a little note.

"They who?" Victoria's dad asked.

"My remaining Beatles. According to this note they left here, they escaped somewhere we can't find them..." Brian started sweating.

"Oh what a coincidence" Damian said sarcastically.

"What the f..." I trailed off

Seriously... why?

I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat