37 Finally, Peace | Avery

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Current Time: Thursday, 7:30 EST
Current Location: Aspen, Colorado, USA - 39.1911*N, 106.8175*N

This world... it’s the worst place to live in. For evil resides in the hearts of men. And living is much worse than dying.

I think about this quote a lot, much more that it came from my dad. He had seen the worst in life. The remnants of the war. The death of his family. The loss of a beloved. Dad probably felt so alone that’s why he believed the world isn’t an ideal place for living. But what makes it hell? The people in it. He believed humans are consumed by their selfish desires and hate.

I was glad Hugo Pavlova spoke the truth in his speech yesterday. No lies, no pretense - - just a sincere declaration of love for his nation. We don’t need a political leader who comes clean despite of his sins. We need a leader who strives hard for development.

Change is here.

I rolled in the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Hugo Pavlova announced that San Francisco is safe from terrorists. Locals who stayed in refuge centers went back to their homes, fixing what has been broken and starting life again. The ones who fully lost their properties fled to Cleveland, Ohio where the Government provided free housing. I also bid goodbye to Dino, for his family begged him to go back to Italy and continue his studies there. They must be concerned for his safety, thinking America is never safe for a young boy. It was sad to part ways with a kid who had helped me along my mission. As a remembrance, Dino handed me his drone and a small remote control, saying I needed to keep one for myself, as terrorists take advantage of the rise in technology and use it in battles.

A smile escaped from my lips as I looked at the drone he gave me, resting on the table. Brainy Science nerd.

My gaze shifted on the camera beside it. It was Colbie’s favorite device. I jumped from the bed and picked it up. I sat back on the edge of the bed and turned the camera on, looking at the photos Colbie took. She was a good photographer. You can definitely feel the pictures. The emotion is very strong.

I was astonished to see a picture of my dad. There were a dozen of stolen shots and I suddenly missed him. My shock intensified when I saw a picture of Colbie and my dad in a Thai restaurant. The smiles plastered across their faces were so genuine and sweet. However, what’s more noticeable is Colbie kissing my dad’s cheek. I gasped when realization hit me. So they shared a love, that’s why Colbie never hesitated to give her life in protecting me. Colbie was inlove with my dad afterall.

I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Luke was in the refuge center, reuniting with his bandmates who were lucky to be alive. When he comes home, we’ll clear things out and decide what to do with our growing love.

I pulled the bread from the toaster and grabbed a carton of fresh milk and a bowl of berries in the fridge. I went to the living room and sat down to eat. I turned the TV on to watch the news. But there was none I could see, only cartoons and dramas. It was quite unusual, when America is having a break from crime and terrorist attacks.

Finally, peace.

There was a knock on the door all of a sudden. I raised my suspicion, thinking the enemy could have followed me here.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

No answer.

I grabbed the small knife on the table and hid it behind me as I tiptoed to the side of the door. It opened and I was relieved to see Luke’s fresh face. He met my eyes with a playful grin and said, “You know what happens today?”


Is he gonna propose? :)

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