27: The Call | Avery

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Current Time: Saturday, 08:10 EST
Current Location: Aspen, Colorado, USA - 39.1911*N, 106.8175*W


I turned my head around to hear a woman's voice calling my name. At first glance, I thought I was looking through a mirror. The woman infront of me was so beautiful in a white, floral dress that touched her ankles. Her curly, red locks fell down her shoulders and her eyes were so blue like the skies in spring.

"Avery!" The woman called me again. Only then did I realize that I wasn't looking at the mirror but to my mom. I stood up, holding the pansies I picked and ran to my mom who opened her arms wide for a big hug.

I giggled as I ran towards her when all of a sudden; my mom's beautiful face was drenched in blood. Her body caught fire and it blasted into bits before she disappeared in thin air.

"Mom!" I screamed. I was dripping wet with sweat. I took a deep breath and realized I was crying. Why? Why did I suddenly dream of mom? I got used to seeing dad in my dreams but dreaming of my mom is rather rare. I wish it was true but no, it can't be.

I began to wonder whether my mom really died of a disease or did her death have something to do with ARMOR? I sat up and scanned my eyes around. I was the only one left in the room; the three must have gotten up. I jumped off the bed and went to the living room. I saw Dino sitting on the couch, toying with his watch.

"Goodmorning," I greeted. Dino looked up to meet my eyes. "You woke up late. It's unusual."

I sat on the couch beside him. "Yeah. I had a hard night. Where's Colbie and Luke?"

"Luke is making our breakfast and Colbie's outside. I think she's doing her morning exercises."

"Well, I think I'll join Colbie," I said as I got off the couch. I walked through the door and was about to open it when Dino called me again.

"Avery, wait. Who owned this sh*t?" Dino asked, shaking the purse he picked on the space beside him.

"It's mine. Luke gave it to me."

"What's inside this?" Dino continued to shake it as a heavy object jerked from the inside.

"Luke's credit card we used to buy goods. C'mon, give it to me." I gestured hand-me-my-purse to Dino who seemed fascinated by the purse made of denim.

"I doubt it's only a credit card." Dino opened the purse and pulled out a small, flat, rectangular device made of steel.

"What's that?"

Dino brought the thing close to his face. "It's a mini microphone. Where'd you get this?"

"What the hell!" I got the mic from Dino and stomped it with my feet. It shattered to pieces on the floor. At that moment, Luke came out of the kitchen, startled by my scream. "What's the matter?" Luke asked.

"A man spied on me, Luke. He placed a mic on my purse and definitely listened to our conversations. This is total bullshit!"

"Who's that man you're talking about?" Dino asked.

"When I walked out of the vegetable store, a young boy snatched my purse and ran away. A man who wore green specs chased after him. He got the boy and handed him to me but I set him free. Then the man gave my purse back. I never suspected he'd be a spy."

Luke sighed. "Other than your dad, ARMOR is the only one who's been looking for you. I think they won't stop until both of you are dead."

Colbie walked in; the headphones dangled in her hand. "I told Jacob everything. Now, he wanted to talk to you, Avery," she said and in one swift motion, she put the headphones to my head. My heart stopped for a moment. I took a deep breath before saying, "Hello?"

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