The Ball (Logicality)

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Hello wonderful people! I'm finally back with an update! Thank you for the request from h2robsar, sorry it took so long! This is a Logicality royalty AU with Prince! Logan and Prince! Patton (did I do that right?) Also Thomas is Patton's adopted son who is around 5 years old. Hope you enjoy!

Patton's POV:

"Come on, Thomas! We've gotta go! We can't be late to the ball!" I call to my adopted son, Thomas as a maid fusses over the little details of my outfit and hair.

"Ok Papa! I'm coming!" I smile as he bounds down the stairs and promptly jumps into my arms.

"Hey, kiddo! You ready?" He nods excitedly, a wide grin on his face, "Ok, just remember, you can't bother anybody. They might not necessarily want to play with you. Especially the people in extra fancy clothes." I explain. He nods again and I smile as I carry him out to our carriage that's waiting for us.

"Ok, kiddo! Let's go!"

~Time skip~

We finally make it to the castle. I stand there in awe, although I do live in a castle as well, this one is so different. It's where the Croft (yes I'm unoriginal stfu) family lives and it seems so much more sophisticated.

I snap out of my trance and get out of the carriage, quickly thanking the driver and gently petting the horses as I walk by them towards the entrance. I pick Thomas up again and go through the giant gold and blue double doors. I look down at my outfit. It isn't as extravagant as it usually would be if I was going to a ball since we're here undercover. There's no particular reason why we're undercover, I just thought it would be nicer if I didn't get recognized and constantly treated better than other people. (there's a spider on the lamp next to me and it's super distracting so sorry if this is worse than usual)

Thomas tugs at my sleeve, "I'm boreeedddd! I wanna go playyyy!" He whines. I sigh quietly and let him down. "Remember Thomas, no bothering the fancy people, ok?" He nods vigorously and runs off to god knows where.

I walk around and introduce myself to a few people, claiming that my name being the same as a prince of a kingdom nearby is merely a coincidence. After a bit, I begin to wonder where Thomas is. I look around and notice him running towards someone. I look up at the person's face and realize that it's the crown prince of the Croft kingdom, Prince Logan!

"Thomas!" I shout anxiously, but this only distracts him. Thomas turns at the sound of my voice, but doesn't stop running, making him bump into Logan's leg. I speed walk over to them, trying to maintain my dignity, probably failing, but that's ok.

"I'm ever so sorry, your highness, he can be a bit rambunctious at times, he didn't mean any harm, I-"

"It's quite alright, you have no need to worry," Prince Logan gives me the smallest smile as humanly possible, but from what I've seen of him before, this is a lot of emotion for him to show openly to a stranger. I smile back at him and pick Thomas back up, setting him on my hip as he pouts quietly.

"Ok, well my apologies anyway, your highness," I insist, "Thomas, I told you not to bother anyone!" I scold in a hushed tone, walking away from the Prince.

"Ah wait-!" I hear him say. I spin around, nervous once more.

"Yes, your highness?"

"I did not catch your name, sir," He prompts,

"I didn't throw it," I respond, smirking. I don't want to seem aloof, but I'm worried he'll recognize me, so I don't tell him my name.

"I- well, would you perhaps like to dance?" He suggests. I detect the tiniest blush on his cheeks, but brush it off as the heat of the party.

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