Starbucks Part 2

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hey again, so this is the part two to that first oneshot. Virgil almost has a panic attack and i'm just basing this off of my experiences with panic attacks, so if this isn't accurate to you then sorry, i'm trying my best.

Oml, I just came back to this after like a month lol wow I wonder if I'll ever actually finish this heh heh

TW: panic attacks (kind of...?)

Virgil froze. Of all people, it's Roman?

Virgil just sat there for a moment. Astonished. So Roman was gay... that meant he might actually have a chance! No, what was he thinking, nobody would ever like a guy like him.

Finally, after a couple of minutes he realized he'd have to do something. He had to text Roman back or he might get worried. But should he even text him back? Should he go on the date? Should he tell Roman who he is? 

But this was the opportunity he had been waiting for, and the old man, Roman's grandfather, said that he was a great matchmaker. But for all Virgil knew, that could be bogus. 

He started to hyperventilate, on the verge (pun intended) of a panic attack when he felt his phone vibrate once more, interrupting his rapid thoughts. He glanced down at it, remembering for the second time that Roman needed answers. 

Of course, this all but helped his situation, making him almost panic again. His thoughts rushed through his mind dangerously. Virgil tried his breathing techniques that he had found online so that he could calm himself when he was anxious. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. He repeated this multiple times, but it still didn't seem to work, so he tried a new one, his brain still spazzing out and thinking of all the horrible possible outcomes of this situation. He found 5 things that he could see, thinking of each one individually before moving on to the next. Then he found 4 things he could touch, feeling each of their textures and considering their uses. After that, he found 3 things he could hear, 2 that he could smell, and finally one that he could taste. After this grounding exercise, the world seemed to stop spinning, at least for now. He tried to think logically about the situation at hand, which proved to be difficult, as he was a naturally anxious person.

Once he had finally calmed down, he reached for his phone and started to type a response for Roman, taking deep breaths and fiddling with his hoodie strings to keep himself calm.

[reminder: Roman, Virgil (I figured out to how left align virgil's texts! *in talyn's baby voice* u proud of me? ok back to the story now)]

um, i think i might know you

Really?! Cool! Wait... should I be scared?

nonono, but i don't know if you'll want to go on a date with me if you know who i am...

Well I'll try anything once! 

...are you sure?

Of course! Oh! I have an idea! How about you don't have to tell me who you are (even if I REALLY want to know) so it'll be like a blind date on my side, but you know who I am, so it's not really a blind date for you. That way you'll know that I won't back out because I really want to know who you are now!

i mean, sure, ig. you definitely won't want to date me though

Great! Does dinner tomorrow at 7 work for you? I can pick you up at 6:30?

yeah that's fine, here's my address *insert virgil's address bc I'm too lazy to come up with one*where are we gonna go?

That's a surprise! I shall see you tomorrow, my mysterious messager!

lol, ok see you at 6:30

This took me over a month to write only a little over 500 words (a lot of it being unnecessary detail about calming techniques) wow I'm great at procrastinating. Sorry this is so short, I really don't know where this story is going, so please give me ideas on where they should go on their date because im uncreative. 

sidenote- can you guys see my drafts? because this has been a draft for a long time and it said that it had 3 reads even though I hadn't published it yet, which i'm super confused about. 

another sidenote [yes I'm annoying]- sorry i'm super inconsistent with my capitalization in my author's notes thingies 

sidenote off of the previous sidenote [didn't i tell you i'm annoying?]- I know its super... for lack of a better word, annoying, when there are super long A/Ns, so sorry about that- it's almost over anygay

I hope you have a great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night!

jk there's another sidenote- i might write logicality or analogical oneshots too, so if you have suggestions for those, i'd be happy to use them

ok now we're done! so for the second (and last) time~

I hope you have a great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night!

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