14| baby let the games begin

Start from the beginning

"Everest, what has gotten into you?" Connery asks concerned whilst he grabs me from behind. It probably was the best idea because I wasn't done with him.

"What has gotten into me?" I mocked. "I'm teaching this asshole how it is that you respect women because his mother apparently forgot to." I tried to get out of Connery's grip but it was too strong.

"Connery control your girlfriend or I will," Tommy warned whilst he held his bloody nose. I must've broken it. So far, he's been all bark and no bite. And I was waiting for the bite because the bitch was going down.

"Calm down Tommy," Connery also warned. "Go get help, you're clearly in need of it."

Tommy walked away with the red-headed girl and Connery finally let me go. It was about time. Connery grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to where the guys were standing. He was giving me a scolding look and it was making me uncomfortable. "What?"

"Everest, you can't just go around punching people in the face." Yes, I can. Connery called me by my full name, he hasn't called me Everest since the night we went to his safe spot. He must be pissed, but I didn't care. "At least not in here, what were you thinking? I told you to stay with the guys, this place is not safe for you to be wandering all alone."

It's not safe? What did he mean by that? "You didn't see it did you?" I shake my head. Of course, he didn't, because if he did we wouldn't be having this conversation. "He slapped that girl in the face for no reason, he had it coming Connery. Someone needs to put him in his place and if no one dares to, I will."

I crossed my arms around my chest. "Connery, the race is about to start, you have to get going." O'Connor interrupted us.

"I have to go," Connery tells me. "I'll see you after. And please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"I make no promises, good luck out there," I tease with a smirk. "Be safe."

And I meant it. No matter how many times he's done this before, it scared me that somehow something might happen to him because here in the streets there are no rules. He walked over to his car and he drove it to the starting line. Connery was competing against a guy named Xavier Lowe and according to the boys they have history. And it isn't a good one.

One of the girls stood in the middle of both cars. "Are you guys ready?"

The only sound you could hear was the sound of the engines of both cars. The crowd started screaming and cheering before I knew it they were both off. The course was a short one, but the part that scared me was the part of the street that had obstacles a few feet away from the finish line. Only one car could fit through it, so you had to make sure you were in the lead because if not it could end badly.

"How do you think he's doing?" I asked O'Connor. So far you couldn't see anything and I was a nervous wreck.

"He's doing fine, he never loses," O'Connor says confidently. "It will all turn out fine, Everest."

After a good fifteen minutes, both cars came into view. They were neck to neck and neither of them was backing down. No one was in the lead, how the hell were they going to get past the obstacles? A lump formed on my throat once they were merely inches away from the obstacles. I was getting frustrated with Connery, he wasn't backing down and he didn't. Xavier pulled the brakes and Connery went through. Why didn't he back down?

Everyone was cheering him on and he got out of his car grinning, proud of his accomplishment (some accomplishment if you ask me). While everyone was happy and celebrating, I on the other hand wasn't. He could've gotten himself killed.

"Ev, did you see that? I made him back down." Connery grinned. That grin fell off his face as quickly as it appeared once he saw the look on mine. "What's wrong?"

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