16| broken record

Start from the beginning

"Everest, you need to cooperate with us here. This video changes everything." Olivia says.

"I was there with a few friends Jared, it was the first time I had gone to the place. And my last, trust me." I pause. "That's all I'm going to say, I can't risk getting my friends in trouble."

"That's one of the many places where the gang Emily mentioned, Azrael Sylla, hangs out." There must be some connection between Maddox and Tommy then. "You need to testify Everest."

"I can't," I say. "I would be putting my friends at risk." I would be putting Connery at risk. He trusted me enough to take me there, he opened up to me. I can't do that to him. I won't.

"Then they shouldn't have been hanging out there in the first place," Jared scolds. "What do you suggest we do then?"

"What if the video got leaked?" I ask. "Peyton has been working with Macy on the article these last two weeks, they are set to publish it soon. What if we leak the video alongside the article? That way I won't have to testify."

"I know you're trying to protect your friends, I really do. But this case is very important, I thought it was to you as well." Jared says disappointed.

"I think it may actually work," Olivia interrupts. "With Everest getting physical with him the defense may play it against her. If the video is online, it makes it public property. The defense can't file a motion to dismiss it. And besides your office is known for leaking information, it's not your first rodeo."

"It is important to me Jared, way more than you might even think." I pause. "You'll just have to trust me on this one."

After debating our strategy for another hour, I headed off to practice. The first meet of the season against OHSU was in three days, so the pressure to be anything but perfect on that meet was on now more than ever. Coach Jennings is crankier than usual which sucks for us because we end up paying for it with his main set. Even though the practice was going to be killer today, I was actually looking forward to it.

Coach Jennings switched me to Connery's lane so he could keep a better eye on me and my technique since our first meet of the season was approaching. Even though I heavily opposed to it at first, it didn't end up being that bad. Practice with the guys is a completely different from when we hang out at the house. I definitely miss Regan, but I enjoy teasing Dant with the boys a little too much.

"Hey Ev," Connery's voice greets. I was currently taking my blue and orange Speedo mesh bag out of the trunk of my car. "I'm surprised you're early today, I was getting used to seeing you swim 3,000 meters just for the warm-up for being late."

"I'm sure you were and enjoyed it in the process too," I say closing the trunk of my car, and Connery laughs. Connery and the boys didn't let me hear the end of it every time we hung out. "I actually left the firm when I was supposed to this time, that's why I'm early today."

I told Connery all about my internship but I left out the part of working in Macy's case and the involvement of Tommy Scott as well. Aside from the existing attorney-client privilege (that I obviously didn't want to break), I still wasn't sure how Tommy fit in the guy's puzzle. "Did Jared give you a hard time today?"

"You have no idea," I sigh. "He's just frustrated with the case we're working on. What about you? How was your political science exam?"

"A lot easier than I expected," Connery grins. "Thanks to you."

"I'm glad you admit it, you do have the best tutor on campus after all." I joke. "I don't know how you're doing so well in the class though, half the time I go over to study with you, you don't pay attention to half of the things I say."

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