Everest gave me a small smile and she put her mustard yellow backpack on Stensby's bed. "I brought you some of my old graded quizzes and most of the notes I could find. They're not much, but I bet it will make it a little bit easier for you to understand the class."

"It's okay, don't worry about it much. With you agreeing to tutor me is more than enough, thank you." Everest nods handing me a big blue folder and then she sits in the desk chair next to me. Connery this is your time to apologize I thought to myself. "Before we get started, I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I didn't mean for you to find me with Inez the way you did."

"You don't have to apologize, Connery, it's okay," Everest reassures. "I should've checked in with you before dropping by and I know Dant was just being a dick. No surprise there."

I let out a chuckle. "Did you take political science with Professor Darnley too?"

Everest nods. "Unfortunately yes, you would think that for having the chance to enroll my classes before any other student on campus I would've chosen a better professor but I decided to take the class last minute and he was the only one available."

"How did you survive the whole semester? The guy is terrible." I sigh as I look back at all of the boring lectures I have had to endure ever since the semester started. "I didn't even know I had to take political science until recently that's why I enrolled in his class. He was the only one left."

"He's not that bad Connery, you just have to get used to him." Everests shrugs. If it only were that easy. "What is your major anyway? Political science is an elective requirement for most majors."

"He's not that bad? I beg to differ." I exaggerate. "Biology."

Everest looked shocked, I guess she wasn't expecting that answer. "Biology huh? I pictured you in everything else but that."

"Your not the first one to say that actually." I get it all the time. I'm used to it by now.

"I thought you would've picked a less complicated major," Everest says and I can see she's having a little bit of trouble finding the right words to say. "I didn't mean it to sound like I think you're dumb or anything like that. I'm sorry, I don't know where my head is today."

Everest's cheeks flush with a light shade of pink and I laugh at her embarrassed expression. "I understood what you meant to say don't worry."

Everest sighs in relief. "Why don't we go ahead and get started with the first chapter."

After a good hour, a lesson on the cold war, and Plato's philosophies (besides being bored out of my mind) my brain stopped processing the information and Everest was growing to be a little impatient with me. If I didn't know any better, I bet she would've loved to smack Plato's republic into my brain with the textbook she was currently holding.

"Can we take a break?" I plead.

"Connery, we've only been here an hour and we've taken two breaks in the spam of that same hour." Everest debates putting the textbook down on my wooden desk. "You've got to do better than that if you wanna pass Darnley's class."

"I know," I admit. "I'm just tired of sitting in this very uncomfortable chair. Can we go somewhere else?"

"Where do you suggest we go at this hour?" She raised her eyebrows at me. I had the perfect place in mind but it involved a vehicle to get there.

"I have a place in mind, but you have to trust me." Everest gives me a look.

"Trust is earned Connery." Ouch.

"I promise you I won't waste your time."

Everests debates on whether or not to trust me on this one but in the end, she complied. "Fine, but you better not be wasting my time Matthew Connery. I should be sleeping, I have an exam tomorrow as you already know."

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