"Great thinking Everest." Jared praises and I smile. "Did you check for DNA on all of her clothes Olivia?"

"We did, but we found nothing. Besides, when I interviewed Macy at the hospital the nurse brought back Macy's clothes and all she had were her shoes and a dress."

"That's the thing," I say. She changed her clothes. "When we interviewed Macy she described how Tommy lifted up her skirt not a dress."

"I'll go and pay Macy a visit," Olivia says as she takes out her phone from her back pocket. "Let's hope she didn't throw her clothes in the wash."

Olivia walked out of the office and I was left with a very frustrated Jared. "I apologize for my sudden outburst, I'm usually not this unprofessional."

"You don't have to apologize, Jared, I understand. We don't have a promising case, but I bet it's not your first. I've only been here a few weeks but I bet that hasn't stopped you before." I reassure Jared. I'm trying to make him see the positive side of things, but I'm thinking the same thing he is. Without any evidence, we can't have justice for Macy Kingsley.

"I'm usually the one giving pep talks to my interns Everest. I must admit, you have exceeded my expectations. You're doing an excellent job." Jared praises. Yes! "I've been doing my homework on Tommy Scott, but I can't find anything. That's very strange. Have you ever come across the guy?"

"Everyone on campus knows, pardon my very unprofessional expression, that he's an asshole especially with girls." I express. "But aside from that, I haven't heard anything. Also, I find it very strange that he was at AJ's that night. He usually doesn't make any public appearances, I don't go out much but I would know. Peyton likes to gossip about her late-night outings."

"Without sharing any specific details about the case, can you ask your friend about Tommy Scott? Maybe one of her friends had a hook up gone wrong like chancellor Scott likes to phrase it." Jared asks and I nod. If anyone knows something about Tommy, it's Peyton for sure. I love my best friend but she has a habit of getting into people's business.

After I finished discussing the details of Macy's case and other cases I was helping Jared out with I met up with Peyton to grab a bite at Alejandro's before I had to head to the pavilion for our first friendly meet of the season.

Coach Jennings decided it was a good idea (not) to organize a friendly meet with AGU. AGU is the rival we always end up competing within the semi-finals, they are a great competitive team but they always fall short when they compete against us. Coach also decided to make it a public event so the pavilion was going to be packed with students from our campus. And if I was being honest, I didn't feel exactly ready to compete (Connery would argue otherwise).

"Parcera, me alegra muchísimo verte por de nuevo por aca. ¿Quiubo?"

Alejandro greeted excitedly with his Colombian accent. "Vine a comer de mis enchiladas favoritas antes de mi competencia."

Alejandro exclaims. "¡Que chimba, parcera! A que hora es? Si Melissa llega y me cubre le caigo."

I smile. "Es a las siete en el natatorio. Puedes llevar a Vanessa, se que le encantara ver la competencia."

"Veremos, de todos modos en que puedo servirte?" Alejandro asks.

"Dame dos ordenes de enchiladas de pollo, una de esas ordenes que sea sin queso por favor." Alejandro nods.

"Tienes un total de diez pesos mi reina." I nod and I hand Alejandro a ten-dollar bill. " Que te las disfrutes parcera."

After a few minutes, Alejandro handed me the order and I walked over to the table where Peyton was sitting in. "Here you go."

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