• Twenty •

Começar do início

  "What is this?! They're basically a natural disaster!" Finral exclaimed. You and your squad mates held your arms in front of your faces to keep the dust and flying stones out of your eyes.

  "How hard are they fighting in there?" You yelled.

  "They're working pretty hard in there. That's cutting it a little close, Jack. Not bad, Charlotte. I'm surprised Nozel's braid stays in place." Somehow, Captain Yami could see what was going on, to which Asta pointed out. Captain Yami said he was sensing their ki. He then asked Finral if he had enough magic for one trip. Finral mistook his question as a sign of going home, but Captain Yami actually wanted him to teleport him above Licht, so that's what he did. In just a second, the captain was gone and somewhere in the middle of the fight. The battlefield was now visible, so you saw Licht notice the captain and begin his counterattack. On a short notice, Everyone decided to send Asta in from the side. Through the portal that sent Asta, you sent in your binding spell that followed him. Quickly, you gave them one last push and they wrapped around Lichts arm that had the spell, dragging it out of the way, giving an entry for Asta to slash him from the side, which opened the opportunity for Captain Yami to hit him from above, sending him smashing to the ground.

  Asta landed on a stone not too far away from Licht, giving him a moment of pride, but it was ended when Captain Yami came down and landed on him. He seemed more motivated strangely after the captain acknowledged Asta for surpassing him limits. (That's new right?) Meanwhile, the three other captains were still fighting the Third Eye. They seemed ready to finish things off.

  "There won't be any other reinforcements, will there?" Captain Yami asked, holding his cigarette in place in his mouth.

  "What?! No way!" Asta yelled out with sparkles in his eyes, although he seemed panicked.

  "Let's finish him off while the others are being held up!" Finral suggested, and Captain Yami agreed. Before you could, a red ring surrounded Licht before it was replaced by a ray of light. Licht then started to rise while surrounded by light, and he was know conscious. His eyes then shot open more than they were and stared at Asta.

  "You! Why do you have that grimoire? Why do you have the Demon-Slayer Sword and the Demon-Dweller Sword?" You tilted your head slightly.

  'What does he mean by Demon Swords?'  You thought. Your squad thought the same thing.

   "Those swords belong to the master!" Licht yelled and you glanced at Asta's sword. 

  "Who the hell is the master?" You questioned, looking back to Licht.

  "All this about getting something back, or something belonging to the master, what are you even talking about? This crappy grimoire and these crappy swords belong to me! Stop making false accusations you crazy bastard!" Asta defended himself while holding up his beaten-up grimoire. But Licht still didn't seem to get the message.

  "No... Give them back. That grimoire is..." Rocks on the ground started to rise up as Licht spoke.

  "...Our master's grimoire and swords..." The rising of the rocks became much quicker to the point where the ground shook. With the commotion going on, it drowned out Licht's words. Captain Jack tried to slash Licht, but the light surrounding him swallowed it completely. The magic and mana coming off of him was incredibly powerful, and if he were to release it, it wouldn't be good. You noticed Finral start to panic as his hands shook rapidly before grabbing his head and flinging it back.

  "I knew I shouldn't have come! Actually, I wish I'd never even joined this squad!" He yelled.

  "This is actually our chance! If we defeat him and this power, we'll leave our limits in the dust!" Captain Yami's eyes widened in excitement. Finral tried to tell the captain and Asta that they were insane, but he was grabbed by his robe by Gauche, who told him not to give up. Before things could go any furthur, the Third Eye conducted a sealing spell that included the three of them to stop Licht's rampage. You could tell your team was a little disappointed. Rhya teleported to Valtos and grabbed him before going back to wear he was. A large portal was created under the enemies.

  "Our boss isn't feeling too good, so we're gonna head home for today." Rhya said side-looking at your team.

  "We lost this time, but the next time we meet, I'll show you true despair! Rodents will fall prey to the carnivores." Vetto hissed out.

  "And that will be the end of you." Fana added.

  "We, the Eye of the Midnight Sun, are always watching you." Vetto ended before they disappeared into the portal. Their mana was completely erased from the area, so they were really gone.

  "They weren't giving their all." Captain Charlotte stated. You wondered why she thought this, as what you witnessed seemed pretty intense.

  "Looks like they're loved by mana. They're definitely worth slicing up." Captain Jack added after a moment of thought.

  "Uh... Did we win?" Asta questioned, still confused as to what just happened.

  "I'm not sure if we actually won of it it's more like they ran away." Finral tried to give an answer.

  "I mean they said they lost, but it doesn't really feel like we won either." You added on.

  "Pretty sure we can say we won if they ran away. They did say they lost." Captain Yami said once again smoking his cigarette. That was enough to get Asta to yell out in victory while throwing his arms in the air. You slowly and softly clapped, not really sure of how to feel.

  "We did it, Finral, Gauche, (Y/N)!" Asta definitely had his answer, though.

  "Yeah! We did it!" Finral was happy about the "win" as well.

  "You didn't do a thing." Gauche attacked Finral, poining at him. Asta continued to shout out in joy at the victory. He faced you with sparkles still in his eyes.

  "You were super cool too, (Y/N)! Good job!" He held a fist out towards you, so you returned his fist bump with a wide smile. As you spoke with your team, Captain Yami spoke with the other captains, but some yelling was involved. Asta must have over-cheered himself, because with a couple more minutes, he fell over onto the ground, mouth still agape.

  "Yeah. I'm not surprised he hit his limit. Oh well, Go get him fixed up Finral." Captain Yami downing on Finral again, to which he replied asking if he heard him right.

  "I'm pretty sure I've been useful this whole time!" Finral argued back. Captain Yami just replied by scoffing.

  You helped Asta up and get him through the portal as you took one last look around before stepping through.

~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~

Total word count: 1947

Alright so I noticed I made a mistake earlier in the story that conflicts with what happened in this chapter. I forgot that Asta didn't know the true name of his swords, so I'm going to quickly go back and fix that in previous chapters. Sorry for the confusion!

 Any feedback is helpful, whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

Since We Were Young {Asta x Reader} {Slow Updates}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora