Chapter 6: A Cake

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Simeon and the rest of the kitchen staff prepared a feast, and Lady Esther, being the generous boss, made sure we all had a delicious and filling lunch to celebrate Master Ares' birthday. Everything looks and tastes incredible. I even went back for seconds, earning an approving smile from mum.

Everyone falls into conversation with one another as I continue to eat in silence, only offering answers for when asked by the grownups. It's okay, though. Nothing interesting usually comes up during this kind of gathering. Well, not until Lydia opens her gossiping mouth and I have to stop myself from leaning in and joining them, knowing full well mum would disapprove. But I strain my ears to hear every tiny detail, my chest tightening at every word she says.

"I heard Lady Esther's shipping him to boarding school. She couldn't take the stress anymore."

"Well, I mean, considering what just happened last year with Sir Karl abandoning his family and our young master started acting up... I'm not surprised by that news. I honestly saw it coming from a mile away," Jillian comments before stuffing a forkful of roast pork into her mouth.

"It's gonna be much quieter around here without him, though. It hasn't been the same since Sir Karl left, and now Master Ares will be leaving soon. I can't imagine how lonely Lady Esther is going to be now," Lydia sniffs, gulping down on some water.

I suddenly lose my appetite and push my plate away.

"Caroline, aren't you going to finish your food, love?" Mum softly places her hand over mine on top of the table, a quizzical look on her face.

"I'm full, Mum," I squeak while shaking my head.

She sighs a deep breath before taking the plate. "I'll finish this for you then."

"Thanks, Mum. Uhm... I'm going to go and do our laundry."

"Okay, but are you sure you're fine? Your eyes look red."

I blink my eyes rapidly. I'm close to crying. Why would I cry?

"Yeah, I'm perfectly okay, Mum. It's just something I caught in my eye just now. I'm gonna go wash it off first."

Not waiting for her permission, I run out of there. Tears immediately spring from my eyes as I race to our quarters. A sob escapes from my lips the moment I lock the bathroom door.

Why am I crying? Why am I sad? What does this emptiness mean? Why?

After a couple of minutes, I finally compose myself and wash my face, exiting the bathroom. I grab our hamper filled with used clothes and make my way to the laundry room. It's right beside the manor's main kitchen and has its own entryway from outside. I spend the rest of the afternoon here, washing and folding clothes while my mind wanders to what Ares is doing to celebrate his birthday.

Lady Esther rented a laser tag gym for him and his friends. That must be fun. For a second, I wish I was one of his friends, and I was invited to his cool party. I've never been to such a fancy birthday party; my friends back in Perth weren't that comfortable in life either, so the best parties I've ever attended were house parties with homemade cakes made by their mums.

"Mum?" I quietly ask as we sit down for dinner.

"Hmm?" Is her only response, her attention on her plate.

"I heard about Master Ares being shipped to boarding school," I start, my voice small and timid and very nervous. "What does that mean?"

"Caroline," mum says. By the reprimanding look on her face matched with her tone of voice, I shouldn't have asked her. "How many times do I have to tell you? Keep out of anything that doesn't necessarily involve us. You were eavesdropping on Lydia and Jillian, weren't you?"

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