Chapter 1: A Swing

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"Now, Caroline, remember what I told you. Be polite and respectful at all times to everyone, even with the other staff. The Wrights are very generous for allowing you to stay with me, so the least we can do is show them how grateful we are, honey. Don't worry. They're very generous for allowing you to stay with me, so the least we can do is show them how grateful we are, honey. Don't worry, they're very kind, so there's no need for you to be afraid. I'll introduce you to them when we get to the manor." Mum looks down at her watch and peers out at the window of the bus. "It won't be long before we get there. Are you okay?"

She's asked this for the thousandth time since she arrived home. I know mum, but I don't actually know her. I can only count the number of times we'd been together since I can remember growing up. In my twelve years of existence, it's only been the tenth time she went home to Perth, and the reason for her homecoming wasn't even the most ideal.

I asked her-no, I begged her-to just let me stay, but she wouldn't hear of it. She said we'd been apart for too long, and we no longer have anyone left in Perth for me to live with. So here I am, riding a bus with my mum, entering Gloshire, and heading towards Wright Manor, where mum has worked most of her adult life as one of their household staff.

Another wave of nausea takes over me as the looming structure appears up ahead. I don't know what this place will hold for me, but I hope for a better future here in England than I'll ever have in Australia. I've always been told I have an old soul and a way of charming and winning the favor of adults; that's why mum is confident in bringing me along with her.

Not long after, mum and I get off the bus and walk the impossibly long driveway towards the manor. I can't help but gape at the grandeur of it all-the manicured lawn, the ancient trees that look as if they have been standing there even before the manor was built and have seen all the things even men before us weren't able to witness, and the stunning and massive mansion.

Eyes widening with wonder and mouth hanging open in awe, I stay rooted in the same spot.

"This way, love." Mum ushers me to the side, pulling at my sleeve.

Mum's steps turn brisk and purposeful, making me almost stagger as I practically run alongside her. We use a side entrance, passing some other staff in uniform busying themselves with their individual works. They exchange courteous nods, but she doesn't stop to introduce me to any of them as they curiously eye me.

"I'll introduce you to everyone else later tonight once we're free of our duties. For now, Caroline, we need to hurry and meet Lady Esther," she tells me in a hush.

I am so confused by all of this. Lady? I haven't met anyone who's called a Lady before. Sure, dad also worked as a gardener for one of the wealthiest families back home in Perth, owning an estate just as magnificent as this one though situated along a white sand beach-the Stanfords. But I've never heard anyone address Mrs. Stanford anything other than Mrs. Stanford.

These titles confuse me the most from everything that mum has continuously and repeatedly explained to me during our journey. It's like we aren't living in the twenty-first century but rather the Victorian era. It's hard enough to think about all the new stuff I need to adjust myself for this move; I hadn't realized it would worsen with all these formalities I need to adhere to while living under this household.

The inside of the manor is just as grand as its facade, if not more. It's like I'm literally walking through a freaking museum. Artifacts and paintings line corridors as we weave in and out of seemingly endless hallways. We come to a stop in front of large and heavy double doors. The doors open to an extensive two-story library, making my eyes go wide in surprise and awe. It's marvelous! Like something plucked out from a movie. Endless books line the floor-to-ceiling shelves, and timeless furniture litter the space-loveseats, long and stuffy couches, dark-wood tables, plush armchairs, coffee tables, lamps, and window benches.

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