Chapter 3: A Laptop

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"Mum, I'm gonna be late coming home later today," I inform her as we eat our breakfast around the small round table in our quarters.

"Why's that?" She looks at me through the rim of her cup while she sips her coffee.

"I have some research to do, and Charlotte won't be able to lend me her laptop this time, so I'll have to use the ones at our library," I explain.

Since I started going to school and Charlotte and I became friends-yes, I now consider her and Kevin my friends, my only friends really in that school-she's been lending me her laptop every time I need to work on something. It's only been a couple of times, but now, she'll be using her computer to do her own schoolwork. I have no other choice.

Her face falls, and so does my heart. I know what she's thinking, and I wouldn't say I like it. "We'll buy you your own laptop when I've saved enough money, love," she smiles at me, her eyes soft and pleading with understanding.

"It's alright, Mum, really. There are lots of computers at the school, and no one even bothers using them because the students all have their own laptops. I'm actually doing the school a favor by being the only one who touches them," I cheerily tell her because it's true.

No one ever uses those computers; it's a shame that they get replaced even before anyone gets to put them to good use. What's coming home a few hours later anyway? Gloshire isn't like Perth, where it gets dark by six. It's freaky, really, but it has its advantages, one being the point of this discussion.

"Just be home by dinner, okay? I don't want you still walking around beyond six. You're not very familiar with this place yet," she sighs.

Taking a bite of my toast, I nod.

"Text me when you're coming home," she adds.

Again, I nod, silently agreeing as I finish my breakfast.

Not long after, I start my journey to school. I've grown to love this route. Well, considering that it is the only route I've ever taken aside from that first day from the airport to the Wright Manor. The long walk out of the property is always serene, with birds chirping in the background, my black school shoes crunching the cobbled ground, and the intermittent gusts of wind blow my pleated black uniform skirt. The wait at the bus stop is always filled with interesting people as I subtly watch them go about their businesses or lack thereof. If I have a book with me, then I take advantage of my time waiting and riding the bus to read, but if not, I am a notorious people watcher. These bus rides are probably the highlight of my day, to be quite honest.

School hasn't been the best for me aside from my newly-formed friendship with Charlotte and Kevin. In fact, since my first week here, it's gotten harder and harder for me to make myself invisible. It's not that I've gained bullies in the past weeks. No. I mean, I wish it were simply bullying; then I'd have a reason to report the culprits to any faculty or staff at school and have them stop bothering me any further. No, my problem is way worse than that.

"Hi, Caroline."

I jump at the presence behind my open locker door as I close it. Brent is leaning against the lockers.

Brent Calloway. He's in the same year as I am and he is part of the school's swimming team. He's been following me around for the last three weeks since I accidentally bumped into him at the cafeteria. No matter how many times I've told him I'm not even close to thinking about boys that way, the boy just could not take a hint.

"Hello, Brent," I force myself to smile.

"I brought you some french macaroons." He shoves a box in my hand with a massive smile on his face. "My mum just got back from France, and she brought these home with her. I wanted you to taste some."

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