Chapter 4: A Banana

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I don't want to sound ungrateful but being in a private school isn't really that fun, especially if you're one of the only three students who are considered "charity cases" in a sea of rich kids.

Since that encounter with Brent last week, the information quickly spread throughout the student body about my... relation to the Villins. Although I haven't heard anyone openly make fun of me in that sense, the changes in how the other students treat me are evident. It started subtly, and at first, I never really minded.

When our math teacher, Mrs. Fields, gave us group work during class, I was paired with Liza. She asked me if I could sneak her gift to Ares' room at the stroke of midnight on his birthday, which will be this Saturday, and when I politely said I can't, she huffed and pushed the book we were working on, saying, "Then I guess you should probably finish this on your own if you aren't willing to take one for the team." What does that even mean? I ended up doing all the work because I didn't want to fail.

Another incident was in PE. Rose asked me if I help out with the chores at the manor, and not really thinking too much into it, I said yes but only on weekends. I didn't mind talking about it; it isn't a secret. I'm not ashamed of my mum's work or that we live in the maid's quarters of the Wright manor. We continued to make small talk, but when she turned and skipped towards her group of friends, they glanced my way and snickered among themselves. They were making fun of me, and it stung, but I let it slide. I guess being who they are, someone of my stature in life must be amusing to them.

The worst was probably what happened in my science class. It was for a group project that we had to do over the weekend, but when I got to where we were supposed to meet, my group mates didn't show and didn't answer my texts and calls. I ended up doing it by myself. When I confronted them this morning, they just shrugged and took the finished output from me and submitted it, acting as if they actually put in any sort of effort. That was my final straw. I waited until lunch break to go to the teacher's lounge and told Mr. Higgins about my group mates' lack of participation, ensuring they got zero points for a project I made by myself.

"I can't believe the nerve of those over-entitled-" Charlotte starts her rant, but I quickly slap my palm over her mouth to stop her from going any further.

"Let's just forget it. I already reported it to Mr. Higgins."

"But Callie... it's just gonna get worse," Kevin chimes in, sliding on the bench in front of us.

"Then I'll report them again," I shrug, taking a bite from the sandwich mum prepared for me.

"I swear, these spoiled brats are just way over their own heads. If not for their parents' wealth, they'd be nothing," Charlotte grumbles as she angrily forks her lunch consisting of cold pasta her mum cooked last night. "Want some?" she offers.

Stabbing a few pieces of penne, I pop them in my mouth. "Your mum's the best cook," I compliment her, and she proudly smiles at that.

We continue to talk about school and whatnot for the next few minutes until we're interrupted by Brent stopping by with his entourage composed of half of the swimming team. I try to maintain a straight face considering that I had been giving him the cold shoulder since our slight misunderstanding at my locker last week. I'm really not someone who would go around blaming others, but I can't help but blame him for what's been happening to me lately. That's unfair, but if he had just let it go, then my life here at St. Thaddeus would have been easier.

"Callie, can I take you out later after school? I know this cool burger joint in town, and we could maybe grab some food before I take you home?" he asks in his usual politeness.

My friends roll their eyes. They vehemently dislike the guy. At first, I didn't understand why, although it's becoming clear to me. He used to only be annoying, but now, he's being too pushy. I need to straight out tell him that he's just wasting his time with me but maybe not here with this audience.

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