"Don't worry I can pick him up just go take care of Kookie don't worry" said hongjoong as he urged Namjoon to go home.

"I owe you one" was all Namjoon could say before he was pushed back to his car.

Namjoon drove home quickly, one they arrived back at their house Namjoon got Jungkook cleaned up.

Jungkook had a small fever and just wanted to lay on the couch.

He hated seeing his baby look so weak.


Just as he said, Hongjoong had picked up all the kids and brought them home.

"Do you mind keeping an eye on him while I clean up his carseat?" Asked Namjoon.

"I don't mind at all go ahead" Hongjoong smiled.

Namjoon thanked him and quickly cleaned up his car the best he could.

Once he was done, Hongjoong left which left Namjoon with 4 still hyper kids and a sick 2 year old.

All the boys started playing tag and running around the house.

Namjoon already told them to not run but what broke his heart was the sadness in Jungkooks eyes.

He sat down next to Jungkook and rubbed his back.

"I know you want to play bun, let's get you some medicine." Namjoon got up and headed to the bathroom, grabbing the medicine he was in search for.

Of course he knew Jungkook would never willingly take the medicine so he braced himself for the upcoming fight.

Jungkook was still laying on the couch with his thumb in his mouth watching cartoons.

"Thumb out of your mouth sweetie" said Namjoon as he gently pulled Jungkooks thumb out of his mouth.

The action only resulted in Jungkook pouring and whining.

"I know baby appa is just so unfair huh?" He chuckled.

He knew it wouldnt be fair, but he was going to trick his baby into taking the medicine.

"Want some liquid candy bun?" Asked Namjoon as he held the small cup.

Jungkook, who was unaware of what the medicine actually looked like, immediately reached for the cup.

Namjoon smiled and gave him the cup.

Jungkook instantly downed the medicine and had a look of disgust.

"Bad candy" he mumbled and gave Namjoon the cup.

"Good job baby, lay down so you can rest" said Namjoon as he kissed his forehead.

"Appa! Jimin wont let me play with Tae!" Yelled Hoseok.

Namjoon saw Jungkook was asleep, so he got and went to take care of the others.

He walked into the playroom and saw, what he felt like, was a warzone.

There were pillows all around Jimin and Taehyung.

It looked as if Jimin was guarding Taehyung.

Yoongi was asleep on his Kumamon plush, and Hoseok was trying to get past fort Jimin.

Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseoks eyes all looked up at Namjoon.

"Hi appa!" Said Taehyung, completely unaware of the chaos.

"Hi Taebear, Jimin let Hoseok play with Tae too" instructed Namjoon.

"But Appa! Then TaeTae wont play with me!" Argued Jimin.

Life In Pictures | Book 2 | [ Namjin Family ] Where stories live. Discover now