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  "Can I scream right now?" He looked at her with curiousty.

"Huh?" she laugh at his innocence. Instead of answering she screams her heart out while she put her both hands on her face.

  Jungkook immediately fish his phone out and capture the moment.

"How did you find this place?" He asked.

  Elle look at him with a smile on her face, "I've seen it in the drama. Actually, it's my second time here. I went here with a friend."

Who's that friend? A guy? He asked himself. Elle left out a chuckle.

"No silly!, It was Little J's mother." He scratch his nape because of awkwardness and look at the view.

"It was really nice here. I'm sorry about earlier. I grabbed your hand without even knowing where to go." He sighed.

"Nah. It's okay. I really wanted to talk to you in private."

  They both sat on the ground with a blanket that Elle's saw on her car's compartment.

"Uhh" / "Uhm" They both laughed at each other and Jungkook let her speak first.

"I'm sorry about what happened that time. I didn't know what else to do. When I saw the camera's flash everywhere. All I think about was to save you from the issues that might occur that time."

"No, it's okay. It's already from the past. But..."

"But what?"

"I missed your letters." It followed by a long deep silence.

She sighed, "Sana all letters." Jungkook raises his eyebrow because of what she said.


"I didn't say anything!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, you did. You said 'Sana all letters'. What was that?"

  "Uhh. Letters?" He glared at her that made her laugh.

  "I get that letters part. What's sana all?"

  "Uhm, it's a bilingual phrase that is mostly used in my country, Philippines. It means that a person wants to be in the same situation that you're wishing for." Jungkook nods and place his finger on his chin.

  "Now I get it. I've read it in some of our live shows. Sana all hmm..."

  "Well maybe I'm one of those who comment that. Even though I'm getting busy with my work I still can't let a one video passed through. You know what I've been waiting for Jin Oppa's Eat Jin! I miss it so much!" She said dreamingly while looking at the view. Jungkook look at her and sigh.

  "Sana all" Elle immediately look at him with amusement and they both laughed at each other.

  "You're a fast learner, Jungkook."

  "Elle..." She look up to him and smile.


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