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(A/N: Don't be confused about the dates okay? Just imagine that they released some songs on that year wHAHAHAHHha ily!)

Third Person's

"Elly!!! Omg I have some good news for you" Elle dropped her pen and looked up to her bestfriend, Thalia.

"Hmmm...What is it?" she said and raised her eyebrow at the envelope Thalia's holding.

"It's an congratulatory gift from me and tae-tae"

Thalia handed the envelope to her and she took a glance on her bestfriend before she opened the envelope.

She leaves a sighed and starts to laugh.

"You guys are giving me free tickets to my own exhibit? Seriously?? You guys are so funny!" she said after seeing what's inside the envelope. Thalia quickly get it from her and scratch her head.

"Ooops! sorry sorry..here this one *hands the envelope*" she opened the envelope and quickly close and give it back to her bestfriend.

"No! That's too much Thal...Thanks but I can't accept it."

Thalia smacked her head.

"Awww! What was that for?" She exclaimed while rubbing the part where Thalia smacked her.

"You're so arte. Another smack..u want?" she immediately move her head as a sign of 'no'

"But a month trip to any country I want is too much! So no no no...I can't accept that. Why don't you and Taehyung take that trip? I'm sure u guys need a break." Yes. It's Kim Taehyung. Thalia's boyfriend. (A/N: So hi! If you want to know their side story just tell me so I can make a side story of it!)

"It's a gift okay? and I'm also your bestfriend so it not that much. Just think of it as my thank you gift from me as being a very great bestfriend. Besides, you're right. Taehyung and I needed also a break but we're just going to clear our schedule first."

"But--" Thalia cut it out. "No buts okay? Just enjoy! You're so busy with many things that you forgot about yourself so go Elly" Thalia handed the envelope again and she hugged her tight while whispering. Thank you Thalia!

After she met Thalia at the cafe she immediately go to the place she's doing her exhibit.

She's in Seoul because it is the new theme of her exhibit. After she graduated she manage to build her business a studio for photography and also paintings with the help of her parents and friends. In 2 years she makes herself busy with her business and now it's her 5th exhibit and launching her collagues and her captures and paintings.

After they finished placing their works she simply sat to the floor and looked at the painting she created 2 years ago.

"Maybe a month trip will help me forget about you."

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