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December 12

Today, Jungkook went to BigHit Ent. because of his manager called him but before that...

Earlier that day... after talking to his manager he quickly change into his usual white shirt and jeans with a beanie and shades. The other hyungs ask why is he dressed like that.

"Huh? I'm always dressed like this!" He replied while wearing his shoes.

"We're just kidding haha!" Jin said.

"Yeah. We know whom you're meeting with."

Elle Harper,

Aish! It's been 4 days since I started writing letters to you.
Are you still here in Korea?
For how long will you stay here?

Psh! How I wish you could read this.

Jeon Jungkook


At the Agency.

Jungkook entered the building without the noticed of the fans outside and at the cafe. He simply walked and enter the building's elevator.

2nd floor, where he will meet his manager.

"Who is he talking to?" he whispered to himself because of the person his manager talking to. He waits for his manager fo notice him.

While waiting he fixes his beanie and at the same time one of the trainees at BigHit saw him.

"Annyeonghaseyo jungkook hyung" the trainee bows at him and he greeted hin with smile. His manager saw him and also the person he is talking to.

"Jungkook! here" his manager call him. He run towards them and seat beside his manager.

"She's the person whom you asked for a number." Jungkook stunned because of what he just heard. He is nervous because of thinking that it might be Elle Harper.

"Y-you m-mean she's Elle Harper?" He finally asked but the girl shakes her head easily.

"Aniyo(No)! No! I'm Thalia, her friend." Thalia composed herself and try not to scream. "Act like a normal perso Thalia. You can't act like that infront of Jeon Jungkook. Oh shit! It's Jungkook of BTS OTTOKEEE?!?!?!?!?" she whispered to herself.

"Huh? Are you saying something?" Jungkook's manager asked.

"Oh Mianhe-yo(I'm sorry)*bows*. Sorry! I just can't believe the fact that I'm infront of Jungkook of BTS. Anyway! Nice to meet you! I'm an army too" Thalia offers for a handshake and Jungkook respond quickly.

Jungkook smiles even though he was dissapointed because she is not who is he expecting to.

"Anyway, I'll leave you guys here for a while. I still need to do something. Jungkook, you can take care of it right?"

"Ah ne(yes)! I can handle it. Thanks for the help manager-nim *bows*"

After his manager leave. They formed a long deep silence. *kruuu* *kruuu*

Thalia composed herself and decided to broke the silence, "Uhm! I know It's to impossible but can I ask if why did you asked for my number? Is it about Elle?"

Jungkook left a sigh and look at her.

"Yes, I don't know but I missed her letters. Didn't she like my gift?" he asked.

"You mean the albums and Cooky?" he nods. "No! She loved it!! At first she's not believing that It's from you but because of that letter." she smiled and suddenly felt kilig (it means like the feeling of having butterflies on your stomach) because of being happy for her friend, Elle.

"Oh! Really? wait... you're here. So it means she's here too?" he asked with excitement but also nervousness in his eyes.

Thalia immeadiately stood up and bows to Jungkook, "Oh no! I'm sorry but I have to go. She didn't know that I'm here. She's waiting for me." she said and starts to walk towards the elevator.

"Wait up!" Jungkook ran towards her and let him face her.

"I know this is too much but can I meet her? tonight? or maybe tomorrow if you're not busy." Thalia thinks deeply.

"Uhm... tomorrow's our flight back to the Philippines. Maybe, tonight's free. Is it okay with you?"

Jungkook smiled, "of course! So tonight's the date. You can come too! I'll bring all the members. I'll just text you the address?" Thalia was jungSHOOKT for a second because of the fact that she'll haf the chance to see his love of her life, Kim Taehyung.

"Omg yes I will! Thank you and sorry but I have to go. Bye!! We'll see you later." She walks inside the elevator and a man passed through her.

The guy walks towards Jungkook and remove his mask. But before the elevator door's close Thalia saw who that guy is, Kim Taehyung.

"Oh Kookie! She doesn't look like your girl? Who is she?" Taehyung asked.

"Because she is not. But! I'm meeting her tonight. Annyeong(bye) hyung. See yah!" Jungkook smiled and walks inside the other elevator and leave Kim Taehyung with his mouth open.

"YAH!!! JINJA?!?!?" Taehyung shouts enough to be heard by Jungkook but he just winked at his hyung as the door closed.

"YAH!!! JINJA?!?!?" Taehyung shouts enough to be heard by Jungkook but he just winked at his hyung as the door closed

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