Keep Your Enemies Close And Your Friends Closer...

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Arif Retreat Estate
10.20 a.m.

Nothing much happened in the past two days. No airstrikes, no bombings, no armed assaults... Everything was just peachy. Yesterday we had an outdoor barbecue in the yard outside the kitchen. Man, chargrilled steak never tasted any better.

After waking up at the right side of the bed (without another sleepless night, worrying about The Technologists) in the early sunrise, I had a warm shower in my luxurious bathroom, got dressed in new threads and slid down the stair rails to have breakfast. The Stiltons and a Woz were making breakfast for themselves as I nabbed a plate from the cabinet and started making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for myself.

Right after breakfast and throwing my plate in the dishwasher, I grabbed an acoustic guitar from its stand in the living room. I opened the sliding doors and marched outside. I laid down when I got to a side of a hill. Watched the clouds go by as the morning sun lit the American sky. Then I saw a cloud that really looked like my sister's face. It even winked at me. It made me flash back to the great times we had in the past...flying kites back at the ranch, playing and beating each other at video games, and scaring each other when we had the chance. Thinking of her made me feel both happy and sad simultaneously.

I took out my iPhone and put on a song and rested it next to my ear. I then laid my guitar on my stomach and started picking sad tunes as the song's instrumental played.
Thea's Perspective

I tailed Danny to the yard at the side of the hill. To keep him safe. I saw him lay down and watched the clouds, smiling alone, then frowned. I decided to do a little espionage. Don't get me wrong, I'll be there to be his company if he gets too bummed out again. He took out his phone from his pocket and put it next to his ear, playing 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt. Then he laid his guitar on his stomach, starting to pick on the strings to the melodies of the guitar riff as the instrumental played. He added a little of his own lyrics to the song as well. It sounded a little like this:

*guitar riff intro*
My life was brilliant,
My life was pure...
I saw an angel,
Of that I'm sure...
She'd smile when we were together,
But now she's gone...
And I've been losing sleep on that,
'Cuz now she's gone forever...

You're beautiful, you're beautiful,
You're beautiful, it's true...
I saw your face, on the hospital bed...
And I really didn't know what to do...
Now I'll never be with you...

Da da da da, da da da da...
Da da da da, da da da!

You're beautiful, you're beautiful!
Your beautiful, it's true...
There must be an angel, with the smile on her face,
And I thought I could actually be with you,
But it's hard to face the truth,

(In the saddest tone) I will never be with you...

If I didn't know any better, I thought that he was singing about his sister. That concludes it, he's down in the dumps again. Welp, time to step in and interfere.

I stepped hard into the grass forward to get him to notice. "I know your up there Thea, come on down here," he called when he noticed me.

I walked down the hill to him and sat down. "Having one of your sad times again?"

"Yeah..." I laid down and put my paws on my stomach. He then switches to his Italian accent, making a deadpanned face expression. "Have ya ever been in a situation when you thought that you're ready to move on but you're actually not?"

"I can't say that I have," I replied, awkwardly.

"Huh...fa sure I thought you have. But 'cha know what I'm sayin', right?"

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