Road To Recovery

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Thea's Perspective

Desert Springs Hospital
Paradise, Nevada
6.02 p.m.

We all followed the ambulance from behind in our trucks and cars to the hospital. While the others were in the waiting lounge as I followed the hospital bed, Danny was admitted to the ER, and I was left alone outside the doors after escorting the poor boy because the doctors only let one person inside. Geronimo told me to stay, and told me that he'd be out with some news. There were a few waiting chairs outside the room, so I occupied one, propping my head up with my elbows on the knees and my fists on my forehead with my eyes closed, and hoped for the best.

A few full minutes had past, Geronimo had stepped out of the doors to the ER, looking relieved and at he same time worried. I immediately got off my chair and asked about Danny's condition. "How is he?" I squeaked, taking small steps forward.

"The doctors and nurses have managed to stabilize him. But his physical conditions are critical. He's suffered first degree burns on his face, a brain concussion, and a ruptured left eardrum."

I looked away. "That's...good to know."

"But, because of the brain concussion he got from that Force Maelstrom was really severe, I'm afraid that the doctors had declared that he's in the state of a coma. They're unsure when he'll be awake, but they're going to give him a CT scan in one minute to estimate when."

I looked back at him. "Will he remember us?

He breathed in deeply to think of an answer. "Um...the doctors are unsure of that as well. But, I think he will. Don't worry too much, okay?" He gave me a pat on the shoulder with a little smile on his face. "Everything will be fine." At least that cheered me up a little. "Come on, the one of the unoccupied doctors inside said that we were to step inside his office to treat our minor injuries."

"Let's go..." I replied.
After we were patched up and bandaged, we went back to the waiting lounge to break the news to the others in the waiting lounge. They seemed anxious at first when they saw us walk in. When Geronimo told them about his conditions, they were in for a bombshell. Questions arose and gasps louden.

"The doctors and myself wouldn't be expecting him to wake up soon, but let's not give up hope. Know that when he didn't give up on Thea when she was dying, and we should do the same," Geronimo said.

"Poor kid, he's done a lot for me. I'll never forget that," Hussein said, recalling Danny's deeds towards him.

"We all will remember what he did for us, and we owe him our lives," Benjamin stated.

"True that," Trap agreed.

One of the doctors that worked with Danny came and called Geronimo to speak with him. They spoke outside, and Geronimo nodded to every word from the doctor.

He came back in to tell what the doctor said. "Danny's undergone his CT scan. He's been transferred into a private ICU ward and we all may see him at once."

Still in our wet and drying combat clothing, we marched down the halls and followed the lead of the said doctor to his ward deep inside the hospital in silence. As we got to the ICU, I played 'Say Something' by A Great Big World in my head to suit the mood.

"You may enter at once, but please keep your voice down," the doctor instructed, opening the door to Danny's ward.

We followed his orders, and entered in quiet footsteps. With a single light from the wall lit up the room in the night, seeing Danny on the bed really broke my heart and made my ears turned down. He used to be bright and happy, he used to be active. But then, he was laying down on a bed, looking somewhat dead. He had a tube going into his mouth, hooked up to a breathing machine. Tubes that injected into his arm delivered glucose for his body, and his head was wrapped in a cast.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-The Beginningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن