"You have FORCE POWERS?"

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Calico's suite
A Famosa Resort, Malacca
11.58 a.m.

Geronimo's Perspective

We investigated the crime scene with the help of the Malaysian Police's forensic team. We photographed every piece of clue and evidence we could find.

The first piece of clue I saw was a cleaned up blood trail, leading to the closet. It was very visible since the floor was tiled with parquet.

"A bloody handprint," said Sergeant Kamal Hussein from the balcony. He photographed it right away. "Looks like somebody looked out here with bloody hands." He took out a cotton swab and swiped a sample of the blood.

"Could be the victim's," Trap said.

"...Or the killer's," Benjamin continued.

Then a shout from DiNozzo from the bathroom: "Gibbs! I found more blood."

"Where?" Gibbs asked.

"The faucet, looks like the killer washed his hands."

"He forgot to wash the blood off the faucet though..." Gibbs said. DiNozzo snapped a photo of the bloody faucet. Like the sergeant did, he swiped the blood with a cotton swab.

"Boss, I've searched everywhere, no sign of any murder weapon involved," reported McGee.

"There was a dumpster back downstairs near the lobby entrance, go check it out," Gibbs ordered.

"B-b-But... Boss... That's 20 stories down-" McGee stammered.

"Does this face make me look like I care, McGee?" Gibbs asked McGee rhetorically after cutting him off.

"No... Boss..."

"Then go!" McGee then rushed out the suite.

Appeared our medical examiner at the door, Professor Von Volt with his equipment. You don't really know this, but he has a PhD in medical science. 

"Professor! That was quick, I thought you just called at the lobby," Benjamin greeted.

"Yes, I did. A man from the maintenance company just fixed the elevator the second I got there," replied the Professor.

Possibly DiNozzo overheard and the bathroom walls echoed his voice saying: "Poor lil' probie..."

"So, where is the body?" The Professor asked.

"It's in the bedroom," Benjamin replied.

He joined me with the body as I photographed it: "Ah Geronimo! Here you are!"

"Hello professor," I started. "I need you to examine the body."

Calico's face looked like it was beaten up very badly. A black eye, cuts on the left cheek and a bruised right cheek.

"Ah yes, Malcolm Calico. Have you finished photographing yet?"

"Yes, I have. I'm going to check in with the others. I'll be right back."

I met up with Benjamin back at the living room.

"Well, the place is spotless, no obvious signs of struggle," I started.

We looked around and with the aid of my nephew, he spotted something.

"Uncle G, look at the edge of that dining table," he said as he pointed towards the wooden dining table near the balcony.

We went closer to examine it.

"Blood... Good eye, Benjamin!" I said. I took out my camera and snapped a photo of it. I took out a cotton swab and swiped it.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now