The Mole (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

They'd bled him out, coupled with the poison, it weakened my hormones and enzymes basically burning it out. If Beehive was horny tonight, it wasn't intentional. It was beyond his control, his body naturally craving that which made it complete.

"I can't. You're in too much pain even if you act like it's nothing. You need to heal some more before we're able to do it again."

"Don't you want me to heal?" he replied, somewhat defiantly and more assertive. I sensed his frustration with me but whether it was the lacking hormones and enzymes, or his own frustration clashing with mine, I wasn't sure.

Sitting up and gently pushing him off my lap, I ran my hands through my hair. "I can renew the mark like we would an engagement. It would give you a large enough boost to heal faster but until those marks begin to fade..."

My words fell away as I glanced over to him, immediately locking onto the scars that marred his torso in ugly crisscross patterns. I breathed deeply, reaching out to gently touch my fingers against the raised skin on one of the older, healing gashes. Particularly, one he'd gotten during the Hunt when his bastard father practically attempted to disembowel him.

He clasped his hand over mine, linking our fingers together. I heard him sigh, and the mattress dipped as he scooted closer, linking his arm with mine and resting his head against my shoulder.

"As long as we've been together, you've never done anything to hurt me. I doubt this would be different."

"It isn't just about that, love." I stated, feeling him frown against my shoulder. "I can't look at you."

"Am I that hideous?" he queried in mock hurt, expression matching the teasing tone. A small smile graced my lips and I leaned closer to kiss his lips, one he returned ever so sweetly cupping the side of my face. He brushed his nose against mine and then placed a small kiss there. "They'll go away." He kissed my shoulder.

"I know." His fingertips danced over my lips as I spoke, tiny electrical signals zipping through my body at the innocent yet intimate contact. "Those injuries do nothing good for me. Seeing it, all I can think about is hunting those bastards down for hurting you."

His chin lightly pressed into my shoulder making me peek a glance over to find him smiling at me. "Well maybe you'll get to do that soon, I hope. But get in line. I have my own vendettas to fulfill."

Tipping my head, I gave him a sweet, lengthy kiss that I poured my feelings into. When next I moved away, my gaze immediately went to the mating marking that was somewhat nicely displayed on his shoulders.

The grayish hue that was residue from the poison was beginning to fade. By Lisa's medical expertise, she'd told us to expect him to throw up at least once more before the poison completely leaves his system. She said it shouldn't take more than twenty-four hours, but it would be helped along quickly if he had another dose of my hormones and enzymes flooding his system.

Tracing the pinkish imprints of my canines where I'd marked him, I weighed the pros and cons of consummating our bond again, noting well how he bit down on his lip to suppress a moan, his expression contorted in hot pleasure from the innocent contact that was in no way, sexual.

Would I be able to withstand seeing him in pain? Although it would not necessarily be of the bad kind, seeing him in so much discomfort was torture on my psyche. When he walked, it wasn't without a limp. He had problems lying down comfortably and thus, the only position he could find ease in was on his back. And even that was a struggle because of his injured right ear and then the few newer nicks on his left cheek.

No... I can't do that to him. I wouldn't be able to think about anything else but that anyway. It was best to wait a while despite the nagging instinct that said to mark him once again.

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