Part 18: The Big Question

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Ellie's P.O.V:

I can see as soon as I walk back into the restaurant the concern that fills Justin's eyes. He can read me all too well. I still smile as if that's telling him not to be concerned, but let's be real here, we all know he can tell that's a fake smile. But when he knows I'm upset he never fails to make me smile that's for sure.

"Well, you missed the wonderful deeply thought out interrogation your lovely friends just gave me as if I'm on trial or something." At first, I thought he was joking. But as soon as I hear Payton and Oliva both burst out into the giggles and then the look on Justin's face, maybe he wasn't.

I raise my eyebrows, shocked, "Why on earth would you guys do that? He's not some criminal!" To tell the truth, deep down I'm embarrassed that they did that, but on the other hand I can't help to laugh it off.

"If it makes you feel any better, he's a keeper." Olivia winks at me.

"Why thank you Olivia I was so worried out your approval." I sarcastically say while smiling.

Everyone starts laughing and then I notice Justin's laugh. He didn't just laugh like he naturally does, his laugh is bluntly saying, "I'm so nervous." I'd hear that laugh anywhere. But I can't think of why he would be. Is it because of my friends? But something about that idea didn't fit. I grab his hand under the table and interlock our fingers as we lock eyes. He flashes me his half smile so I lean over and quickly peck a kiss onto his cheek.

"Aw! Look at you guys! Don't think that I didn't see that, you crazy love birds!" Payton shouts across the table loud enough for the whole damn city to hear her. The whole restaurant turns to stare as I sternly put my finger to my lips signaling her to be quiet. It's not like everyone wasn't already starring at us because, well, we have 3 and half famous people here and in New Jersey, especially this far south; you don't see it happen all the time, if ever. Payton just sticks her tongue out at me and everyone chuckles.

The rest of the night is just filled with nothing but giggles and stories. We order some dessert and Justin and I split an ice cream sundae. Everything was fine like before when I note that Justin's entire body stiffen and he starts sweating slightly.

He sits up straighter and clears his throat as he adjusts his tie. He looks me in my eyes with his hand on my thigh.

"Ellie, I know that a year and 5 months isn't really that long to know someone. But let me tell you, it took me about 3 minutes to fall in love with you. From the first glimpse in the train station, to catching you in my arms as you fainted, the case to kiss you in the hotel and when we got locked into the elevator. But from those moments on, I knew I loved you and there was no going back. But this year and 5 months has felt like I've know you all of my life. Every time I see you, hear your voice or even hear someone mention your name, instant butterflies and a smile. Even if I'm in the worst possible mood, I can't help but to feel that way about you. It's like as soon as you come to mind, everything else fizzles out. I swear my heart skips a beat if not stops. I'm lucky to be alive." He smiles as do I with shiny eyes.

He mentions this all the time. Why does it sound like he's saying it with a different meaning now though? He takes my one hand and engulfs it into both of his as his stare buries deep into my eyes, making me feel like it's only me and him in the world. I feel as if time has stopped and everything is at a standstill.

He continues, "Now, I know that I'm only 18 and you're only 16 and to most people, we don't even know what loves is. Well, I'm here to prove them all wrong because I know what love means. I would jump off a plane without a parachute for you. I'd take a bullet straight into my chest if I knew I couldn't be with you because you literally are my reason for living." He stands up and I give him a real confused look. What in God's name is he doing?

Everything slowly starts coming together as he reaches into his pocket and takes out something in a small square box. He looks at me and smiles again as if he loves that I have no clue what-so-ever what he's doing and he knows that it drives me nuts. He leans down and as he kisses my hand he kneels down onto one knee. My other hand instantly covers my mouth as I gasp.

"Oh my god." Justin giggles at my reaction as I just pieced all of the clues into one. What if he's seriously purposing to me, I'm only worried about the consequences with not just the press, but how will my family react and what about my future? That may sound selfish, but how will this change me going to school and like he said I'm only 16! I'm not ready to get married! Granted we don't have to get married officially tomorrow, we can wait a couple years, couples do that all the time.

"Justin continues after I snap out of my internal feud, "Ellie Marie Brown, my love, my soul mate, I just want to make sure you know that I can't see my future without you in it. So, since I feel like I'm running out of ways to show my love to you, I want to ask you for maybe an idea and I came up with this one. Will you promise to forever me mine until our world stops spinning? Will you be mine until death do us apart?" I'm getting the sensation as if there's this giant snowball lodged in my throat and it's keeping me from talking so I just smile at him.

As if I'm in some corny children's movie, I envision my angel and devil pop up onto my shoulders.

"What are you waiting for, say something! You love him don't you? Hasn't this only ever been a dream of yours since you were just some fan? But, now, you're so much more to him. He wants to marry you for crying out loud! Say yes! Yes! Yes!"

But angel is just shaking her head, arms crossed, "What about your future? School? College? Your career? You're only 16. Your life has barely even started yet. You're merely a stem with a bud waiting to blossom. Teen marriage never lasts and that's just statistics. What about the press? The fandom, you know how harsh and crazy they can get, you were a part of it just almost a year and a half ago! The hate is only going to be magnified by a thousand. Everyone is going to loathe you and call you awful names and just your life will become destroyed!"

I shake them both away and just think to myself, Justin is my life. Without him, my life would be destroyed, so how could us being legally together forever make my life anything but better? I only have less than 2 more years of high school and with my singing career in the works; I'd be taking online classes regardless. My future doesn't exist without him. My future will be with him.

I look into his eyes and I bet he just had the same inner self meeting as me. I smile really big and say, "Of course I promise all those things." I see his eyes sparkle and it warm my heart. I smirk, "But you'll have to marry me first Bieber."

He giggles and jumps up with the biggest smile I've ever seen him with, "I asked you first anyways!" He slips the diamond onto my finger and kisses my hand. He pulls me in fast and we kiss as the restaurant breaks out into applause. He picks me up and spins me around.

I can't believe I'm engaged. I am marrying Justin Bieber. I'm the future Mrs. Bieber. I'm 16 and engaged. Avoiding the press will be like avoiding thorns in a rose bush, impossible. My parents are going to kill me! I bet they'll even attempt to break us up. Well, I'll tell you right now, I'll move out before they can do that.

Justin and I smile one last time at each other and I look over at Payton and Olivia and I can tell they both just don't know what to think. But we all had tears of joy. I am engaged to the man I love and I couldn't be happier that I am.

Full of Surprises ( A Justin Bieber Fanfiction) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now