Part 4: Justin and the Green-eyed Monster

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Author's Note:
Above is Justin's clothes when he visits Ellie in the hospital and when he meets Jessie.
Enjoy :)

Justin's P.O.V:

I'm looking through my twitter news feed when I see Ellie's name as a headline. At first I believed I was seeing words that weren't there since she's been on my mind so much lately, especially after that phone conversation we had earlier. She sounded so panicked and it worries me on what happened. Anyways, I open the news story and can't believe my eyes.

The headline read, "Bieber's girl finding a new man?" so I continued reading to see what they have to say. The article said, "Ellie Browns, uprising artist from New Jersey with her new hit single 'One Lucky Lady' was seen in the arms of a mystery boy this morning. We caught this boy carrying Miss Browns to his car and the two of them drove off to a local hospital. A source told us that there seemed to be something wrong with Ellie's leg, possibly a broken bone. Also, our source told us, the two teenagers were almost kissing as the mystery boy buckled her into his car. Is Miss Browns not handling the distance from boyfriend Justin Bieber too well and is seeking a new lover? What will Mr. Justin Bieber think about this?"

Is Ellie really cheating on me? I look more closely at the pictures they have attached and the hoodie she is wearing is defiantly not mine and it's not a woman's hoodie. You can tell just by looking at the way it fits Ellie's body. What if that boy was the reason for Ellie's leg? If he broke her, I'm going to break him 10 times worse. I grab my keys and jump into my car. I was planning on seeing and surprising Ellie anyways today, but never planned for it to be at the hospital. I type the hospital's address into my GPS navigation device and rush to her. I look up into my review mirror and notice a mass of cars and vans following me. Great, that means the annoying paparazzi are following me. Why can't they just leave me alone for once? I mean I this is what happens when you go into this career but that don't change that fact that I have people getting paid to stalk me and my every move 24 hours 7 days a week.

I start to drive a little faster hoping to lose them as I weave in and out of traffic. I finally start to get some miles away from them, when flashing red and blue lights come into my view from behind me. Here we go again with the police. I pull over and as I am waiting for the police officer to come to my window, I start to think. How can I be so cruel and automatically assume that Ellie was seen with that boy because she's cheating? For all I know, that boy could be helping Ellie. Now don't get confused and think that I like this boy, because I don't. But I trust Ellie and her safety and well-being means the world to me, so if he was possibly saving Ellie when I wasn't there for her, than I need to put my green eyed monster away into his cage and stop letting jealously get the best of me.

*At the hospital, Justin's standing at the front desk.*

"Ellie Browns." I tell the nurse as she types her name into the computer.

"I'm sorry, what is her name again?"

"Ellie Browns."

"Can you spell that for me please?"

I sigh as I am growing impatient and just want to know if my baby is ok. "E-L-L-I-E B-R-O-W-N-S."

She smiles, "Oh, here she is. She's still in emergency care, but I'll walk you to her. Please follow me." She walks out from behind her desk and pushes the button on the speaker, "Yes, this is Allie and I have someone here to see a patient." There's a buzzer like noise when the two big doors open for us to walk into the hallway full of curtained offed rooms with emergency care needed patients. "Miss Reynolds is the third one on the right after this left turn here."

"Thank you." She smiles and walks away. I count the rooms when I count the third room I see a bleached blonde haired boy sitting in the chair scrolling on his iPhone. I walk up to him and he notices me and stand up. I swear he started to fan over me like a little girl.

Full of Surprises ( A Justin Bieber Fanfiction) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now