Part 14: "Thanks my 'mucho man'"

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Justin's P.O.V:

(Before Justin see's Chaz)

I am more than furious right now. I'm just... I can't even explain how I feel. Let's just say whatever word means mad times 1000 that's how I feel. It's just that... that son... I can't even think straight I'm so angry Chaz threw a half full water bottle at Ellie's head! It's not enough he's already caused so much damage to her emotionally. She was so distant with me for the longest time after he did that. I caught her just in time before she went back down the blade path. It broke my heart knowing she was willing to hurt herself because of what he did. But then, when I thought of him, I was enraged.

I carry Ellie into the room that's like a living room or lobby type space. I leave her alone for just a quick few minutes to look for that tool. I walk out of the room swearing every curse word known to man under my breath. After about 5 minutes from when I left, I receive a text from Ellie telling me she doesn't feel safe and she needs me. I text her I'm on my way back but I continue looking for just a little bit longer. I start rushing and ask every person I pass if they've seen him or I tell them to start looking for him.

I finally get back to the room where I put Ellie. I'm way past my boiling point with the person I first see as I walk past the door. Not only was he in there, he was sitting on the same couch next to my girl. He was way too close for my comfort liking.

You should have seen the look on his face when his eyes met mine as I walked in with a death glare. It was priceless and I loved it. He looked as if he just saw a ghost. I hope he is scared.

He jumps onto his feet with his voice shaking as he says, "Justin... Before you do anything you'll regret, just please listen."

I shut the door behind me and start walking towards him. "No, you listen here Chaz. What you did to her is just not ok. I can never think of you the same way ever again. We used to be best friends Chaz, since we were kids. But not now, I can't even look at you without feeling disgusted, angry and wanting to beat your flesh right off your bones. I just can't believe... How could you? Off all the people in the world, you did that to Ellie. You hurt her Chaz. She did nothing to ever deserve that, ever." Chaz looks at the ground as he puts his hands into his pockets. He just sighs as he takes in all that I said. I am trying so hard to control my anger that heating up inside of me right now. If Ellie wasn't sitting right there, we'd both be on the ground and he would be close to being dead.

He looks back up into my eyes, "Justin, I know. I am beyond ashamed of what I did. I am getting help and I'm finishing my anger management classes and I just came around since I never officially said I'm sorry. Also, I came with high hopes that you and Ellie could give me another chance. Which, reminds me, Ellie, you never answered my question." He turns to look at Ellie, who is so nervous; I can see it in her eyes.

She bites her lip and hesitantly says, "Maybe." I am confused. What exactly did he ask her? Ellie texts me as if she read my mind, 'I don't hold grudges. He's not forgiven yet, but he really sounds like he's willing to try and make things better now. Why not give him one last shot?' I sigh at my sweet Ellie and her kind heart. It acts as if a blindfold to her sometimes. I give in to her and decide to give him ONE last chance but if he messed up just slightly or for a split second, he's done.

"Fine Chaz. We'll give you one more chance. But just know that now it'll be only 10 times harder to gain our trust back. I have rules as well. First, you are to never be alone with Ellie. Second, you are to never touch her or I touch you with my fists. Lastly, don't try anything sly with me towards her. And I mean no hugging, nothing; not even a high five."

Ellie looks at me, "Now Justin..."

Chaz breaks in, "No, Ellie, its ok. He has the right to be telling me these rules. If that's what it'll take to get our friendship back to where it used to be, I'm willing to follow those rules." He better mean those words he just said. The only problem is I am not going to put him into Ellie's life any more than he needs to be. I know I sound insane and obsessive with these rules and I know Ellie's a smart girl who's capable of making her own decisions, it's just that I want to be able to protect her in every way I possibly can.

We all agree and Chaz leaves as I finish up the show. After the show is over Ellie spends the night so we're just sitting on the couch of my tour bus with her legs across my lap and she's resting her head on my shoulder. I lay my head on top of hers and play with her small fingers.

She looks up into my eyes as I stare back into her brown almost black ones, "Justin, I love you." She smiles and gives me a kiss as I kiss her back immediately.

"I love you too baby. I hope you know that's the only reason why I acted like I did towards him earlier. It wasn't that I'm crazy protective over you."

She smirks, "Oh no, it's not that at all." She winks at me.

"No, it's just I love you so much I don't want anything to ever happen to you."

"Aw, well, thank you my 'macho man'." She smiles her smile where she found herself to be hilarious. I couldn't help but to smile too.

"I would take a grenade for ya."

Ellie starts singing the song by Bruno Mars as I join her and we giggle. I just love this girl so much it's unreal and I sometimes have to pinch myself, making sure it's not just a dream.

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