Part 1: Flowers, Jewelry and... Where's Chloe?

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Author's Note:
The outfit above is what Ellie is wearing.
Enjoy :)

Ellie's P.O.V:

It's been exactly 2 years and 2 months since I've really last seen Justin in person. To be honest, I'm really worried about our relationship, if that's even what it's still considered. I mean us texting went from every day to only like twice a day ever other day. I understand that he's really busy but I still love him. I always will but I really would like more than a text. The last time we Skype chatted was 2 weeks ago. He looked exhausted and drained. This tour is making me worry about his health. I can notice in his face he's losing some weight and I even asked him about it but he just shook it off and told me not to worry. But come on now. I'm a girl and never the less I'm his girl, so of course I worry. All the time. I called in and had a big calorie filled cakes delivered to his house and he thought of it as a joke. But not being able to ensure his health right by his side; holding his hand and feeling his lips press upon mine as I feel his body's heat when his chest is pressed against mine; it just makes me sad. But I try to stay positive.

I chose to take shot at trying to live my life half normally again by going back to real school even though the word normally will never be used to describe my life ever again. I'm not going to lie, it's hard. The hate is from the same people every day, I have to have someone drive me to and from school every day because the people on my bus are just awful and it's just too much for me to handle. But it's hardly the hate that is the hardest for me to deal with. It feels like someone is contently stabbing my heart when I walk through the hallways at all the people talking about me, glaring at me, waving at me and then just avoiding me completely as if I am some killer walking the halls. I've even lost some of my friends during this too. It's like a rude awakening from to see who were my true friends and those who were not. It still makes me sad knowing that the friends I lost were just using me to either get close to Justin or even to get famous (because I have control over whether or not they become famous right?) But they were like, "Ellie can you have Justin sing at my party?" or "Ellie have Justin sign this for me please?" One of them even asked if I could cut his hair and give it to them to sell. Like I would do any of that. Those are just so wrong.

Speaking of Justin, he's so proud of me. I finally released my first single. It's called 'One Lucky Lady' and it's actually doing pretty well. I can't believe it's already more than half way through November. I feel like such a bad girlfriend because I couldn't go see Justin when he had his shows in New Jersey or over in Philly. He was literally just a little over an hour away, and I couldn't go see him because of me moving and school and my job. He said he understands and I shouldn't worry about it, but how can I not? That doesn't change how I feel about it. I feel like a complete jerk. But he's coming back for his big shows in the Madison Square Garden performances and I hope I can go see him then. But he hasn't said anything or even asked if I was coming, so I'm nervous he's mad at me and doesn't want me to come.

I've noticed he has changed. I'm not saying it's a bad kind of change, but something is definitely different. It may be just because he's exhausted. He works so hard for his fans. But I really just want to relax with him. I feel like I'm just some belieber dying to see him for the first time, except this time, I truly want to kiss him and have him in my arms and I can only hope he feels the same way. We have something unique about our bond and I'd like to keep it. I'm scared I'll never be able to find something like this again if I just let him go. I'm just so grateful and thankful for this life God has given to me.

This week is Thanksgiving Break and I couldn't be more... nothing. I'm not doing anything special so it's just a pointless and boring break from school for me. So, I'm home alone, since everyone else is either at school or work. I'm just hanging out with my dog Chloe, who has gotten so big over these past years. She's as long as my body when we lay next to each other. We're, or I am, watching some sappy romantic Nicholas Spark related movies, which are not making me feel any better about my relationship, but I'm digging into the popcorn like a pig when suddenly I notice I big truck pull into my drive way. It's a flower delivery truck, but why are they here? I didn't order any flowers... I then hear a knock on the door. I wipe the butter from my face and open the door with a smile, even though I am more than confused on why these people are even here.

"Hi. Can I help you?" I ask the lady with a "Simply Flowers" Cap and shirt on, looking down at her clipboard.

"Yes, is there a..." she pauses. She's probably trying to figure out how to say my name. "E... Reynolds?"

I smile even though in my mind im thinking, "seriously? Is my name really that hard to pronounce? Really lady?" "It's Ellie. That's me."

She gives me this huge over dramatic smile and hands me the big box of flowers standing behind her. "I have a box of flowers for you."

I give her a confused look, but smile as I feel my heart being warmed up. "Flowers? For... Me?" I ask pointing to my chest. "But who are they from?"

She just smiles, "They specifically asked me not to tell you."

Well that's stubborn. I sigh, "Ok. Thank you. Have a nice day." I smile as I start turning around to head back inside. I start to close the door as I hear the lady yell back, "You as well. Goodbye. Enjoy your flowers!" I smile and wave bye to her, closing the door shut. I start to untie the satin purple ribbion that was around this long box. There are 11 pink roses and just one blue rose. Why is there only one different colored one? Did they make a mistake? I see there's a card. I hold it and smell a hint of cologne that smells distantly familiar.

The card reads, "I am happy with our relationship and am thankful I have attained such a rare gem as you. I hope this can make us become closer like we were. Love you." Aw! That's so sweet. This means these have to be from... What's this? There's a gorgeous diamond necklace wrapped around the stems of the roses. I oh so carefully slide the necklace off and clip it onto my neck. I flip over the card and see there's more written there. It's telling me I should go check my mail. That's not strange... But whatever.

I walk across the street and open my mailbox to find this large manila envelope with my name written on it. This handwriting looks so familiar.

I cross back across the street to my house as I start opening it up. It's first a letter.

It reads, "Dear my beloved Ellie, I know it may seem like we hardly ever talk anymore. Just, I hope you love your flowers and necklace. Those flowers show nothing compared to your natural beauty. The necklace shows that our kind of love connection is so rare that it's beautiful. Just like the diamond. Before you find what's in this package, I just wanted to tell you I did this because I love and miss you." This letter is definitely from Justin. But what is he talking that he did this because he loves me... I flip the paper and see there's even more, of course.

"Ellie, remember our last day together? The one in New York City when we walked to the art museum and pasted Madison Square Garden? Remember how I promised you something that day? Well as you know I always keep my promises. Look inside the package now." I look into it and can't believe my eyes. In my hands I am holding a red sticker that says family clipped to a back stage pass and V.I.P ticket into the Believe Tour 2012. I scream so loud. My neighbors probably think I've just been shot or something. It's for both of the shows at the garden. I run inside to call Justin. I am shaking so much from excitement that I can hardly dial his number. I'm not even sure I can talk straight right now. He picks up shortly after the second ring.

He sounds so excited that I called, "Hey babe! How ar-..."

I cut him off by repeating and screaming into the phone, "I. LOVE. YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe this... That..."

He laughs his cute adorable laugh that I fell in love with in Never Say Never. He starts talking since I can't get my words to come out right and am probably talking gibberish. "I can't go any longer without seeing you."

"Justin, you are amazing. I love you. Thank you baby."

"No, thank you Ellie..." He starts talking about how much he loves me and how with us being apart he's realized how much more he loves me now. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I stopped listening once I noticed Chloe is nowhere to be found. I don't see her anywhere. I start to panic slightly.

"Uhh... Justin... I have to go. I'll call you later... Thanks for the tickets and I can't wait to see you."

Of course Justin notices the panic in my voice, "Ellie... Is everything alright?"

"Uh... Yeah sure. Love you bye." I hang up as soon as he says love. I feel kind of bad he sounds so confused and worried about me. But where the hell did Chloe go?

Full of Surprises ( A Justin Bieber Fanfiction) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now