Part 8: The Hairbrush Microphone

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Justin's P.O.V:

It made me happy to see how excited and nice my beliebers and fans were to Ellie and how they all so excited meet her. They were all so sweet to her. They would ask if she's ok and how her leg was feeling then they would ask for pictures with her. You should have seen Ellie's eyes when they asked for her signature; her eyes light up light up bright. The whole experience was just over all perfect. Ellie and I said our goodbyes and rode back into the arena for my last minute changes and sound check.

I'm going to ask Ellie to perform with me but I haven't gotten the chance to just yet. I walk her to the dressing room with the door that has the gold star with her name across it in black letters. She gives me a confused look but then just shrugs her shoulders and we walk in. I tell her I'll be back and go find Scrappy my sound tech guy for the changes.

I walk back into her room and I see Ellie sitting in her chair in front of the mirror as she's singing into her hairbrush as if it was a brush.

"Boy I've been fooled by your smile.

I was mistaken by the way you loved me.

We lead it straight for a while, yeah.

Looked so deceiving you convinced me yeah yeah.

So clear to me know.

Can't explain what you're doing to me yeah really.

I did but I don't know how.

Gonna take some time but I'll figure it out.

Why should we fight the feeling?

Let's just live in the moment yeah..."

She sang until she noticed me leaning up again the doorframe, listening to her sing and her cheeks became 20 times redder.

"Hi." She says shyly.

"Hey, what song was that?" She gave me a look because she knew I know what song that was. It was Though Of You off my Believe album and I thought she was singing it perfectly; she didn't miss a single note or pitch.

"Nothing. Just some song." She shrugs her shoulders smiling at me.

I walk up behind her with my hand on her shoulder, "Nothing? Really it's just some song? Well to me it sounded a lot like that awful song Thought Of You by some Canadian who says swaggy and wears his pants down too low. But I mean swaggy, who even says that?" I smile and she giggles as I wink at her.

"So, I have a question for you Ellie. How would you feel about performing with me tonight? We would sing As Long As You Love Me." Her eyes double in size and I don't know if that's from excitement or fear since she's probably intimidated by the thought. Her body is just frozen and it feels like she can't even speak. "Sssoooo... What do you say?"

She looks down and starts to play with her hair. "Uh... I don't know Justin. I've never sang by myself on a stage, or even sang on a stage at all before and especially in front of such a big crowd like this."

I grab her hand and lift her chain up with my other so I could look into her worried filled eyes, "You wouldn't be alone. I'll be right by your side. I think you can handle it. You're ready."

She takes a deep breath and releases it, "Ok, but if I faint or throw up or just straight out humiliate myself, it's your entire fault." She says playfully poking my chest with her finger.

I cup her face with my hands, "You'll do amazing." I lean in and kiss her forehead. I look down at my watch to see the time, "Ok, well we both need to start getting ready." She just blankly looks up at me. "Someone with be in to do your hair and face. Her name is Kathy and she's really chill and skillful. Then a stylist will come in for your clothes." She nods. "Ok I love you." I give her a kiss and I start walking out towards the door.

She yells out behind me, "Love you too! See you soon Bieber!" I smile.

I am really excited for her to be performing with me. She'll sing the introduction and the rap will be split between the two of us. I just simply cannot wait. This, she, is going to be a memory never forgotten tonight.

Full of Surprises ( A Justin Bieber Fanfiction) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now