Chapter 66

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Belle Pov

I wipe Darcy's chin of the milk dripping down his chin with his bib before kissing him on his head. Definitely a messy eater. I place him on my shoulder and begin burping him. I hum quietly to him as I pick out my outfit for the day.

"What do you think, sweetheart?" I ask him. "Should I go with the sundress or the shorts? Mm?" He coos and burps, spit spilling over the towel thrown over my shoulder. "I think the shorts too. We will be by the water. Are you excited?" I pull him back from my shoulder and clean his face again. I quickly place him on the makeshift bed for him on my bed, made of fluffy covers.

Darcy watches me as I pull on the simple shorts and a t-shirt before sliding on some sandals. I try to ignore the feeling that I'm exposing too much skin. I try not to think of the disapproving look anyone from my home country would give me if they saw me in this certain assemble. I run my hands over my light blue shirt, another new color. I like how it complements my hair color. I've seen plenty of girls wear clothes like this, embracing a casual look. I pull my hair back into a braid, before grabbing Darcy. After checking his diaper and grabbing his probably overstuffed baby bag, I make my way out.

The last of early commuters stroll around, as the sun begins to peak out from behind the clouds. There was a slight chill still lingering in the air, but that was expected up here in the mountains. I embraced the chill however, and took it all into my lungs. Darcy on the other hand, twisted in his sling and buried closer into me and his little jacket, chasing the warmth. I placed a tender kiss to the top of his head, and smoothed over his soft silver strands. We make our thirty minute walk towards the restaurant and shop district quickly but steady, and I hum and speak to Darsarious the entire time. He seems to respond happily to my voice, and although I know it is probably because I am his mother, but my heart warms at his affection anyway.

The walk to Mora's shop ends quicker than I anticipated, and when I spot her perched at a nearby table, nursing a white cup, another seated beside it. She stands with a wide grin as soon as she spots us. "Morning!" she calls although I only stand a few feet from her. I don't miss the few sideways glances people send her in response to her glee.

"Good morning," I greet, a smile of my own making it way to my lips.

Mora offers me the other white cup, stating that it is tea while simultaneously cooing over Darcy, who looks back at her with wide curious eyes. Mora shrieks quietly, as he blinks at her and his chubby cheeks twitch in an almost smile. "Aw, he has grown so big."

"It has been a month or so," I tell her and Mora finally tears her eyes away from Darcy to hook her arm in mine. "It seems only a short time though."

Mora nods thoughtfully as she leads me past the various shops and cafes some already open and down a slope of road. We stick to the sides of the road, as transports pass us one by one. Mora waves in greeting to some, and nods to others.

"Do you know these people?" I ask her as the slope ends and falls into a straight line. We pass houses of all types, spread out apart, some separated by trees.

Mora greets an older couple in their lawn gardening with an excited wave before answering. They wave back, the older lady yelling something about new homes.

"Some yes," Mora replies. "Everyone passes each other every know and again and," she pauses to think. "Well I don't know, but it only seems polite to acknowledge others." She purses her lips in thought. "I suppose that's is what you get when you live in a community like this."

I nod as I fully understand what she is saying. "But you don't know most of them?" I clarify.

Mora nods. "Not personally, no. But we see each other around and its polite to say good morning and acknowledge their presence."

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